
Early in the morning, the boy put a question I asked collapsed. I have finally found a bookcase in the "Proverbs," a book, but turned for a long time nor have I seen, "one chopstick to eat lotus root -" in Proverbs. I had to resort to a computer. The assistant turned out did not let me down, let me in the "gourmet twisters" to find it. The breakdown of the original extract in the next, and share:
There is life sex picky, everything has always taken a dislike to see people, nothing has to find something to verbalize, as in the egg bones, tofu, like where to find sand.
This is a pair of chopsticks to use, people with a few deft fingers, it easily controlled, relying on the slippery abalone film, relying on a small circle of peanut ... ... foreigners came to the East, and ultimately, take time and patience in order to control better This pairs of chopsticks, which is Chinese food culture, a quite attractive content.
If only one chopstick, but why eat lotus root, then the most convenient is to chopsticks pointed to the coupling piece to wear to provoke eat the Yan Kong. Here Xiehouyu's "fastidious" in the northern face is ugly to others, is to find people's small problems, small errors and omissions in an attempt to scoff at, ridicule others.
"Brother, he did a great achievements of the. In this little bit wrong, you stop 'one chopstick to eat lotus root - (Special) hypercritical' the bar!"
This "eating lotus root" who, it is shallower and narrower tolerance. If your boss, it has Hello suffer a great deal. Sentence twisters and more use of northerners.
After reading the contents of the above, you must have the "one chopstick to eat lotus root - (Special) hypercritical," With the deeper understanding of the right?

有人生性爱挑剔, 看人家总是样样不顺眼,没事也找点事来唠叨,就像在鸡蛋里挑骨头,豆腐里找砂子一样。
这样“吃藕”的人,实在是器量浅窄。若是你的上司,那就有你好受的了。 这句歇后语,北方人较多使用。

