
In a 12-year-old girl in mind, what is happiness? Is a colorful candy? Is a pretty sophisticated fashion? Is a wonderful and varied toys? ... ... Let me tell you, these are not! In my mind, I feel that only reading can make me the happiest!
In my home, up to the same thing book. Several bookcases filled with books, dads like to see the "up and down five thousand years", "Three Kingdoms", "basketball" ... ... there are mothers like to see a "window", "Harvard Girl Liu Ting", "dishes" I like to see ... ... there is a "Grimm's Fairy Tales", "selected essays", "Wisdom backpack" ... ...
Since childhood, I was a little bookworm. I read books as a pleasure, a pleasure. Whenever finish homework, or when the weekend is also the time when I am most happy, because I can talk to me "old friend" - accompanied by a book. I will applaud the book's clever Avanti; would hate that ferocious wolf; will leave tears Cinderella; will go to Beijing, Shanghai and fugue complacent ... ... Mom always laugh at me silly, but I is unable to control their feelings.
Until now, I have read this book also has hundreds of. Whether China's four classic "Dream of Red Mansions", "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West" or a foreign masterpiece, "Childhood," "love education", "How the Steel Was Tempered" ... ... I can be said to recite every word, by heart. As the saying goes: Reading break rolls, write, if God. Chance to read much, and remember that prison, and the level of writing also greatly improved, and that the language of my achievements are the envy of everyone ah!
Let me read broadened the horizons, so I understand a lot of philosophy of life, so I learned a lot of knowledge, so that I benefit enormously. Remember Gorky once said that "the book is the ladder of human progress," really say too much right in!
The book has brought me joy and happiness, so I love reading. Friends, love reading it, with me into the world of books with me feel the happiness of reading bar!







