
Many people look for information on the Internet, job search, ask, How can we achieve the greatest effect, or have the skills to follow.
1. The first phase: the selection letter asked - will be classified letter asked not to mail back on, we will be in accordance with the letter category divided into several possibilities?
a. There are asked to call the letter - which is all the more careful, polite guests, one by one will be marked with the recipient's address.
b. There are asked to bring a letter of the product - at least he was aware of his tell you what your interest in the product.
c. a brief background of their company - said he want to catch your interest, and more willing to let you know that he is.
These sort of letters, letters of intention are more, at least he will also return to your response. To be included in the letter of the target customers.
a. no name nor did he mention the name of the product only tell you that you are interested in the company.
A standard format, spreading chaos must be asked about the letter, you have only to the collision, he's one of only.
b. the very beginning it is necessary to send you samples and quotations.
This 80 per cent of people did business, and that there will be the start of the sample.
c. any of the conditions, such as invitations to investment information, cooperation in information and so on.
This is a lot of Third World Gang Chudao of my business friends, if you are just a staff, you can not do anything for the company decided that it is better not to waste this time. This will only trouble.
The first stage could be selected about 30% of the target potential customers, if other wasteful to discard that can be put at the end, when the goal of practicing it.
2. The second phase: the letter asked back - filter out the guests, not immediately in accordance with his request for quotations issued to him or directory, you can immediately reply to an inquiry counter-letters, that you have received a letter from the other side, but some do not understand where , The product, style, quality before quantity, and so on the understanding of the needs can be asked, he even asked the market, and the nature of the company, told guests, which helps you to recommend your product. Reply, if the guests know the first name, can call each other names, or MR. Surname. This action is a response rate of increase in customers and create a little more opportunity to interact with the guests.

