
Paragraph One: Attracting Attention
The first sentence must get the readers attention. Asking a question in which the answer is guaranteed to be yes is a good way to start. Would you like to improve your life? The opening paragraph, in fact the first sentence, should excite curiosity or attract the attention in some way that will make the reader continue to read the letter.
The most difficult paragraph to write in a sales letter is the first one. You have just a few seconds to get the readers attention.
Would you like to see your factorys production increase by 15% or more?
Wouldnt you prefer to have your wedding pictures taken by the leader in the field?
Another way to start a sales letter is to write a sentence that will surprise or shock the reader.
In 1996 we helped over 250 small businesses like yours to increase their productivity.
Since 1991 we have grown from a small printing company to one of the largest publishing houses in the city.
If you are contacting the customer for the first time or if your company is unknown, you might start with a general introduction of yourself.
Example A:
Alfreds Textile Marketing Co. Ltd. is a leading Russian manufacturer and exporter of socks and hosiery. The range of our product line, good quality, and competitive prices have made us one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in Russia.
Example B:
Floppy Textile Buying Agency, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in India. We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Fe Fe LaMew Mail Order of France and others.
Other Examples:
The ABC Trading Company was founded in 1986 to serve the construction industry in New York state. Since then we have expanded our market year by year to where we now have customers in 12 countries around the world.
Paragraph Two: Building Interest and Desire
The second paragraph must convince the reader of the value of the product. When you have succeeded in getting the readers attention, you must hold that attention. The best way to hold it is to build interest by describing your product so that the reader can virtually experience it. Use colorful, deive words.
In paragraph two you must show the reader that he/she either
- needs your product (a car)
- could use your product (an easier inventory system)
- should not be without your product (insurance)
OR - would benefit from your product (a new line of clothes he/she could sell)
Sentence by sentence you lead the reader through your sales pitch. If he closes his eyes he can see that new car, going home earlier because of his new inventory system, the comfort of having insurance, and increased sells because of the new line of clothes.

Example A:
Located in Moscow, we produce a wide variety of socks and hosiery items in a cotton-woolen-nylon blend for men, women, and children. These socks are of good quality, are popular with customers, and sell well. Our total production averages 10 million pairs per year, 70% for export and 30% for the domestic market.
Example B:
We are happy to announce that we are now offering this same service to American import companies like yours. From our office in New Deli, the heart of low cost and good quality ready- to-wear garments, we can supply your company with whatever kind of apparel you would like.
Paragraph Three: Convincing the Reader
If you have done your work well to this point, the reader is already interested and is partially convinced. You must convince readers that it is to their advantage to buy your product or use your service.
If the reader has read your letter to this point then he/she is interested in your product. Paragraph three convinces him/her to buy it. It is here that you show what buying your product would mean to the reader.
Example B:
The wide range of Indian export companies that we work with insure you of getting just the items that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, childrens wear, ladies and mens outer and underwear, leather wear, socks, belts, bags, shoes, or household items such as bed linen, towels, bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you need at the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure that the garments are well made.
Other Examples:
The machine that we sell is called the Safehouse. It turns the lights on at your house at night when youre coming home. And you can reverse the process when you leave, turning off the lights when you have locked the door, gone down the steps, and left the yard. Amazingly, the Safehouse weighs only 150 grams and fits easily in your pocket or purse.
Paragraph Four: Directing Favorable Action
You have now reached the point where if your letter was successful, you must move the reader to act. The fourth paragraph must tell the reader what to do to get the product. Tell the reader exactly what you what him/her to do and make it easy to do. The desired action is go to your web site to get more information and, hopefully contact you for specifics or to place an order. Even the most highly motivated and excited customer will not act if the action you are requesting is too difficult分页标题#e#
Example A:
Our company is expanding its market to include the United States and we would like very much to do business with your company. Enclosed is our price list (brochure) describing our wide range of products. I would welcome the opportunity to introduce you to our line socks and hosiery. For more information or to place an order, please visit our web site at www.nicesocks.com.
Example B:
If you would like to take advantage of the services that Floppy Textile Buying Agency has to offer your company, please log on to our web site at www.floppytextile.com or contact us by fax at (56/324) 785 48 96. Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.
Other Examples:
To order, please go to our web site at www.swimsuit.com, or fill out the enclosed order form and send it by fax or post to our office in Washington. Before you know it, you will be wearing this beautiful mens business swim suit - and feeling like royalty.
A Typical Well Written Letter for An Agent
Star Textile Exports, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in Turkey. We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Blue Cloud Mail Order of France and others.
We are happy to announce that we are now offering this same service to American import companies like yours. From our office in Istanbul, the heart of low cost and good quality ready-to-wear garments, we can supply your company with whatever kind of apparel you would like.

The wide range of Turkish export companies that we work with insure you of getting just the items that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, childrens wear, ladies and mens outer and underwear, leather wear, socks, belts, bags, shoes, or household items such as bed linen, towels, bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you need at the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure that the garments are well made.

If you would like to take advantage of the services that Star Textile Buying Agency has to offer your company, please go to our web site at www.startextile.com, or contact us by fax at (90/212) 123 45 67.
Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.
A Very Simple Sales Letter
Dear Sirs,
We are a Polish company that specializes in making mens shirts and would like to tell you about our line of products.
Our products are special because they are made of good quality cloth . In the 15 years that we have been selling our products we have made a good name for ourselves in countries around the world.
Enclosed is a price list and brochure. If you would like to place an order or receive more information, please log onto our web site at www.polishshirts.com, or contact us by telephone.
Sincerely yours

A、 国际铁路联运
  一、 运输范围:
分页标题#e#<哈萨克、乌兹别克、土库曼、塔吉克、吉尔吉斯>,以及以上国家运往中国内地相反方向的运输 .
  二、 运输方式:<1>整车 <2> 集装箱
  1.其中 集装箱 运输可以租用中国铁路集装箱,租用手续由公司国际部统一办理 .
  2.朝鲜的货物必须使用自备箱 .
  3.在国际联运运输中,必须是双箱方可办理国际联运 .
  三、 国际联运计划:根据货物运输的具体要求提前在发站提报国际联运计划,并 通知 国际部以便协调国际联运计划的批复工作 .
  四、 运输程序
  1、 接受客户询价:如有客户询问运往上述国家的业务时,应向客户了解如下问题 .
  <1> 运输方式:1>整车 2>集装箱;
  <2> 发送站和运往的国家及到站;
  <3> 货物的品名和数量;
  <4> 预计运输的时间;
  <5> 客户单位名称、电话、联系人等;
  <6> 其他 .
  2、 接受委托
  客户一旦确认报价,同意各公司代理运输后,需要客户以书面形式委托货运公司 . 委托书主要内容包括1、< <1>-<6> .
  3、 运输单证
  要求客户提供以下单证:<1>运输委托书<2>报关委托书<3>报检委托书<4> 报关单 、报检单<加盖委托单位的专用章><5>合同<6>箱单<7> 发票 <8>商检放行单<9> 核销单
  4、 填写铁路国际联运大票
  在当地购买铁路国际联运大票,由国际部填写好样单后传真给当地公司由相关人员填写正式国际联运大票,或由国际部制单后快递给当地公司 .
  5、 报关
  客户可以自理报关,也可以委托某些货运公司报关,假如在发货地报关不方便,可以将上述单证备齐在口岸报关,即在满洲里、二连浩特、阿拉山口、凭祥等地报关 .
  在国际联运报关中 海关 要求一车一份 核销单 ,同时客户需要在相应的出口口岸的 海关 、商检办理注册备案手续 .
  6、 发车
  根据运输计划安排 通知 ,客户送货发运时,在发货当地报关的货物需将 报关单 、合同、箱单、 发票 、关封等单据与国际联运单一同随车带到口岸 .
  在口岸报关的需将合同、箱单、发票、报关单、 商检证 等单据快递给货运公司的口岸代理公司 .
  货物发运后将运单第三联交给发货人 .
  7、 口岸交接
  货物到达口岸后需要办理转关换装手续,待货物换到外方车发运后,货运公司将口岸该货的换装时间,外方换装的车号等信息通知发货人 . 分页标题#e#
  8、 退客户单据
  货物换装交接后,海关将核销单、报关核销联退给WO司,有货运公司根据运费的支付情况再退给客户 .
  9、 收费
  国际联运其运费是以美元报价,客户需向货运公司支付美元运费,如客户要以人民币支付需经国际部同意 .
  运费支付的时间应在发车后的10天内支付完毕 .
  注重:在运费没有收到前,不能将报关单核销联、核销单退给客户 .
  五、对于没有 进出口 经营权的单位,有些货运公司可以代办 进出口 手续,详情可向各货运公司咨询 .
  从世界各主要 港口 海运到中国 港口 <如: 上海 、 大连 、 青岛 、 天津 新港、连云港等>换 铁路运输 ,经中国铁路口岸站<二连浩特、满洲里、丹东、凭祥、阿拉山口等口岸>到蒙古、俄罗斯、朝鲜、越南、中亚五国<哈萨克、乌兹别克、土库曼、吉尔吉斯、塔吉克>的运输,以及从香港经中国内地各铁路口岸站到中国周边国家的运输<包括相反方向的运输> .
  <1>散杂货 <2>集装箱
  根据过境货物在国外港口起运的时间,提前在中国港口提报到相应国家的国联运输计划,并通知国际 物流 部,以便协调 .
  1.接受客户询价:如有客户询问从国外运往上述国家或地区过境运输业务时,应了解如下信息 .
  6>WO方接货地点:即是从起运港接货还是从中国的港口接货 .
  2、报价:将上述情况尽快告知国际 物流 部,待测算好运价后,即可向 货主 报价.
  注重:1>假如是运往蒙古的集装箱需告知 货主 最好在国外港口装运由WO司指定船公司的集装箱,这样货物到达中国港口后不用换箱,原箱可以运到蒙古 . 假如货主不同意用WO司指定船公司的集装箱,要告知货主货物到达中国港口后船公司的集装箱租用问题由货主自行解决或同意拆箱改用中铁集装箱 .
  2>运往俄罗斯和中亚五国的集装箱到达中国港口后,除非船公司特许否则其集装箱需换成货主自备箱或中国铁路集装箱发运,船公司箱不能继续使用 .
  3、承运货物:货主接受WO们的价格后要求货主给WO们以书面形式正式委托 . 其主要内容同1、1>---6> .
  按接货地点可分境外接货和中国港口接货 .
  1>境外接货:按货主委托WO们会在起运港为货主订舱,按船期通知货主将货送到港口指定堆场,装船到中国港口后,由WO们负责安排在港口的转关、装火车工作 . 货物到中国铁路口岸站后,安排报关、报检、换装等工作,直到将货物运到目的地通知收货人提货 .
  2>中国港口接货:货主在国外港口装船后将提单、箱单、发票等文件,先传给WO司,并将正本快递给WO们,假如是近洋的起运港,要货主通知船东采取“电放”形式在中国港口提货 .
   海运提单 :在收货人一栏需填写“中铁联合物流有限公司”字样,不能写实际的收货人,否则需要收货人在提单背面签章背书方可在港口提货 .
  货运公司应在各运输环节向货主提供如下信息:货物到港时间、港口发车时间、车号、集装箱号<换中铁箱>、运单号、在口岸的换装及安排时间、外方换装车号及预计到目的地时间等 . 如货主有进一步要求请向国际部询问 .
  国际货物过境运输是以美元计价收费,要求货主在货物到达中国港口10日内,向WO司支付全程运输包干费,除非有非凡约定一般不接受运费到付的方式 .
  假如是货主自行与船公司商定的集装箱使用协议,货运公司负责将空集装箱返回其指定的还箱站<目前只限蒙古> .
  一. 运输范围:
  从世界各主要港口海运到中国港口< 天津 、 上海 、 大连 、广东、 青岛 等>的进口货物;经中国港口到世界各地港口出口的货物 .
  1、集装箱运输:集装箱运输主要是 班轮 运输 . 其特点是:
  1>具有固定 航线 、船期、港口、费率 .
  2>运费内包括装卸费用,货物由 承运人 负责配载装卸 .
  3> 承运人 和 托运 人不计算滞期和速遣 .
  4>可以从一种运输工具直接方便地换装到另一种运输工具,无须接触或移动箱内所装货物 .
  2、货物从内陆收货人的工厂或仓库装箱后,经由海陆空不同运输方式,可以一直运至收货人的工厂或仓库,达到“门到门”运输,中途不用换装,也不用拆箱 .
  3、在货运质量上有保证 .
  4、一般由一个承运人负责全程运输 .
  1>、20″TEU、容积为32.88立方米<标准箱>, 尺寸为5.904x2.34x2.38, 自重为2.5, 载重吨为17.5吨 .
  2>、40″TEU容积为 67.2立方米,尺寸:12.192x2.434x2.591 自重为4吨,载重吨为25吨 .
  三 运输的方式:<1>整箱 <2> 拼箱
  1.集装箱货物的装箱方式:目前国际上对集装箱运输尚没有一个行之有效并为普遍接受的统一做法 . 但在处理集装箱具体业务中,各国大体上做法近似,现根据当前国际上对集装箱业务的通常做法,简介如下:
  2、根据货物数量分为:整箱FCL和 拼箱 LCL,拼箱货按每立方装箱计费 .
  4>拼箱交、整箱接 .
  4>场到门 .
  根据货物装货的性质和运输条件不同,按用途对集装箱进 行分类:1、杂货集装箱2、保温集装箱 3、特种集装箱 .
  船公司的集装箱到港后,有7-10天的免费期,超过10天,20英尺集装箱天天USD5,40英尺集装箱天天USD10 . 以后每10天翻一倍 . 分页标题#e#
  根椐贸易 条款 ,运费的支付可分为预付和到付 .
  预付运费:在签发提单前即须支付运费 . 其贸易 条款 为 CIF 和CNF<由出口方订舱> .
  到付运费:货物到达目的港交付货物前付清运费 .
  海运的运费全部以美元计算 . 收取的人民币运费在交给船公司时换算成美元 .
  1、 接受客户询价:当客户咨询从国内运往世界各主要港口的出口货物,以及从国外各主要港口运往中国港口的进口运输业务时,应了解如下信息 .
  1> 货物的品名和数量;
  2> 运输的方式:整箱和拼箱;
  3> 发运港及所到国家的目的港;
  4> 预计的运输时间;
  5> 单位名称、联系人、电话、传真、电传等;
  6> 贸易方式 :是进口还是出口;
  了解到货物运输的情况后,告知客户,根据提供的信息,货运公司会尽快报出海运的价格,如货物需要转运,WO司将报关和转运的费用也提供给客户 .
  当客户向货运公司咨询集装箱运输的运费:货运公司首先与船公司取得联系有:1>询价 2>还价后与客户确认3>订舱 4>提箱装 货后按船公司指定的堆场集港,报关和货物集港同时进行 5>船在离港时签发提单 6>把提单交给客户
  2、出口业务贸易条款主要有: CIF .
  接到客户的询价尽快告知国际物流部,待测算好价格后即可向客户报价 .
  七、 报关程序
  1、出口所需的报关单据有:报关委托书、报检委托书、报关、报检单各一份、海运委托书<订舱的依据>、合同、发票、箱单、如设备<需机电证>,还有的产品<需要许可证>、出口核销单等单据 . 报关完毕后的一个月将海关核销的报关单和核销单及时退给客户 .
  2、进口业务的贸易条款CIF、CNF和 FOB . 进口所需的报关单证有:报关委托书、报检委托书、合同发票、箱单、属免税的产品需要免税单、属设备的需要机电审批文 . 报关完毕的半个月内将进口报关单核销联及时退给客户 .
  八、 代运
  在货物报关完毕后,根据合同的卸货地及客户的要求预备代运的方式,非凡是 铁路运输 要注重:申请车皮计划需要提前进行,按船到达的时间和铁路 规定 做好申报手续,在车皮批准后与港区的业务处联系,由港区业务处根据报关完毕的情况做装车计划 . 需汽运的货物在报关完毕后根据客户送货的地点安排车辆 .
  一、 运输范围
  从世界主要运输大宗散杂货的港口进口到中国港口<天津、广东、青岛港>等货物,及中国港口<天津、辽宁鲅鱼圈、营口、秦黄岛港>等出口货物 .
  散杂货运输的常见品名和运输工具:大宗散杂货进口的商品主要有:煤炭、矿沙、谷物、化肥、饲料、大麦等产品,出口有焦碳、矾土等产品 .
  主要的运输工具:海运整船运输,也是 租船 运输 . 租船 业务涉及的商品价值都偏低 .
  根据货物贸易的CIF和 FOB 的价格条款,确定租船方,租船运输方式有三种:定程租船<又称航次租船>、定期租船<简称期租>、光船租船,货运公司涉及的租船业务主要以航次租船为主 . 向船东支付约定的运费 .
  二、运输方式:整船分为:巴拿马型<七万吨以下>和好望角型<八万吨以上> .
  1、 接到客户询价;当客户咨询租船运输时,应向客户了解如下问题 .
  <1> 运输方式:巴拿马型船和好望角型;
  <2> 发运港和卸货港;
  <3> 货物的品名和数量;
  <4> 装率和卸率;
  <5> 装港和卸港的吃水线;
  <6> 预计运输的时间;
  <7> 客户单位名称、联系人、电话、电传、电子邮件、传真等 .
  了解这些信息后告知客户,货运公司会尽快给报出租船的运费,以及在港口报关和代运的费用 .
  在用户与货运公司鉴定运输代理及报关协议书后,根据船到达卸港的时间提前通知用户提供所需的全套报关单据复印件 .
  3、进口报关的时限:自运输工具申报进境之日起14天内申报,超日海关证收滞报金,在出税单的14天内没缴纳税款,海关征收滞纳金 .
   报关程序 :申报-查验-征税-放行-结关
  报验单据:报检委托书、报验单、合同、发票、国外的水尺重量单、品质证实书 .
  报关单据:报关委托书、报关单、合同、发票、重量单、商检通关单、 保单 、 信用证 复印件 .
  租船运费的支付与合同的条款不一定同步,要根据与船东鉴定的租船合 同所定 .
  1、 CIF和CNF条款:开船日付运费赎提单
  2、 FOB条款:开船后10内付运费,或船到目的港后支付运费 .
  进口 关税 主要以CIF价格条款完税,CNF和FOB价格条款在计算 关税 时都必须换算成CIF价格完税 .
  进口关税:完税价格X关税 税率
  进口 增值税 :<完税价格 关税税额>X增值 税率
  出口关税是根据海关商品税则所提示的产品方交出口关税 .
  六、法定缴纳的费用有:关税、 增值税 、商检费 .
  货物的情况说明 .
  品名:煤炭<动力煤>、 数量:162662、合同价值:USD4759490.12 、 船舶 介绍:船名:LOWLANDSGLOR 、LOA<全长>:289米、 BEAM<宽>45米、DRAFT<吃水>:17.8米、舱口:9个、 装货情况说明;装货港:澳大利亚昆市兰、 装载日期:2002年2月17日 、离港日期:2002年2月21日、 到达锚地日:3月6日22点、靠泊日:3月9日14点 、 离港日:3月14日凌晨 、运行时间:14天 . 关税的综合税率为19.78% 贸易条款:CIF QINGDAO .
   信用证 结汇 :由于信用证 结汇 是货物装运完毕后,以提单及检验等有关单据通过银行交单及赎单时间长,在 船舶 到达港口时正本单据还没有到达,在这种情况下,必须在货物到港前通知用户将港口所需的全套报关单据复印件传真给报关单位,报关单位根据提供的单据进行报验 . 让商检出具入境通关单,在货物到达锚地和泊位时接商检人员去港口做水尺测量,船长根据提单向 船代 发首次舱单数据 . 做完水尺数据后船长向 船代 发直面船单,报关单位根据正本提单去船代换D/O单 . 在正本提单没到的情况下由船代协商船东以保函卸货,卸货不影响提前报关 . 分页标题#e#
  在全套报关单据复印件齐全的情况下,向海关申请预告关,海关根据申报的货物单据到现场查验,并且根据提供的直面舱单的数据定税,出具缴税关单 . 缴款单位按指定帐户缴纳关税后将关税单交给海关,海关根据缴款书在提单上加盖放行章 .
  根据用户提供的货物流向安排沿海运输、内河运输、铁路运输、公路运输的计划 . 并且将运输的流向及运输的计划表、放行提单等交给港务局业务处,由港务局业务处根据WO们提供的流向计划安排装货时间 . 在货物卸货完毕后的15天,商检出具品质证书、水尺重量单,海关根据卸货完毕的情况出具进口报关单的核销联 .
  在操作程序全部完成后,将所有的费用单据及货物出具的证书和报关单一起交给用户,并且结帐 .
  上述业务操作过程仅是一般程序 . 货物运输及报关的具体问题会随着不同的情况而变化 .
  货运公司可以开展租船业务,根据卸货港的卸货能力,订租船的条款,假如卸货港压港的时间长,卸率比较低,租船时WO司可以签定对WO方有利的CQD按港口习惯速度条款,但是运费会相对高一些 .
  FOB条款的租船运输可以帮助用户降低成本,增加WO司的运费利润,同时租中方船可以减少外汇流失 .

