
On the 15th annual Lunar New Year, Chinese New Year has just passed, and usher in the Chinese traditional festival - the Lantern Festival.
Lantern main activities is to look at lights.the Eastern Han period, Buddhistadvocate, I heard that on the 15th day of Buddhist monks have Buddha relic concept, lightingpractice, on the order of the day night at the Imperial Palace and templeslight a lamp, so that common people are hanging lights gentry. After this Buddhist ritual folk festivals gradually formed a grand holiday. The section has undergone by the court to civil, from the Central Plains to the country's development process.
Even today, the custom of lighting Lantern Festival is still in China spread all over, a wide range of beautiful lanterns will be lit on this day, the children carry lanterns made at the street level, very happy.
Guess lantern Lantern Festival is also an important activity, the owner of lanterns will be written on lanterns on谜面, hanging at the door, if someone can guess, they will have a small gift. The event originated in the Song Dynasty, because intelligence riddle can also inspire interest, so spread the process by all sectors of society welcome.
Civil society had the custom of the Lantern Festival Lantern eat. Lantern manufactured from glutinous rice, or solid, or with stuffing. Have red bean paste filling, sugar, hawthorn, various materials such as fruit, edible when cooked, fried, steamed, fried can. At first, people to this kind of food called "floating", later known as or "dumpling", these names, "Reunion" a divergence in pronunciation is similar to check the reunion and symbolizes the whole family round the round, harmonious well-being, people also This memory of separation of loved ones, pinned on the future of all of us desire.
Over time, the activities of the Lantern Festival, more and more have played the dragon during the day, playing the Lions, zoned, playing drums and other traditional folk Taiping performances. By night, apart from the beauty of colorful lanterns, there is great variety and beautiful fireworks. The majority of families will be left behind some of the Spring Lantern Festival fireworks on that day until discharge, and some local governments have also organized a fireworks display, when the New Year the first full moon night in the grand pyrotechnic performances comes, people are reveling in the This is a memorable fireworks and bringing in the bright moon. 每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日--元宵节。

