
1. RMB should do is to take the U.S. way, no way to allow U.S. dollars.
2. Did not want to be abbot of the Father, not a good long-Road!
3. No longer, on the re- !
4. astronomy, geography of knowledge, does not speak English.
5. A good horse does not back the grass, because there is no time to back the grass.
6. Life is like the same shit, although you have very hard or can be out.
7. To sleep that tomorrow, but also up ~ ~! !
8. Not that attractive men and women of the bother to bring this talent, talent can not say that men and women of reality ~ the money is in the hands of all the fundamental
9.2009, as the post-80 and I still !
10. The soldiers did not want to be soldiers is not a good soldier
11. Watching very fat, clothes off, or very fat!
12. Childhood dream is to master the host family, Leung Tin 1000 ares, always ignorant and incompetent, nothing led group took to the streets to take liberties with the dog I look Good!
13. Angels fly the reason is because they see themselves very light
14. Precious girls, young women even more, if in, both can throw.
15. I swear never to swear!

1. 人民币应该做的是,走美元的路,让美元无路可走。

  2. 不想当方丈的神父,不是好道长!

  3. 忍无可忍,就重新再忍!

  4. 上知天文,下知地理,不懂英语。

  5. 好马不吃回头草,因为回头的时候已经没有草了。

  6. 人生就像拉屎一样,虽然你已经很努力了可出来的还是个屁。

  7. 睡觉说明明天还要起来~~

  8. 没魅力的女人才说男的花心,没能力的男人才说女人现实~钱是掌握一切的根本

  9. 2009年,作为80后的我依旧嬉皮笑脸!

  10. 不想当士兵的士兵不是一个好士兵

  11. 看着挺胖的,衣服脱了还是挺胖的!

  12. 小时候梦想是地主家的少爷,良田千顷,终日不学无术,没事领着群狗奴才上街去调戏一下良家!

  13. 天使之所以会飞,是因为她们把自己看得很轻

  14. 少女诚可贵,少妇价更高,若有富婆在,二者皆可抛.

  15. 我发誓再也不发誓!

