
In my opinion, fate is the most cherished a kind of affair. Although the nonexistence of fate is so, just the fate of chance, somewhere, may be destined to the fate of this heaven, but there really is in the visible of, all the time everywhere. After all, earthly affection, friendship, love, in the final analysis is a kind of fate. Only these three fate, for every one of us is more valuable, almost indispensable, so we are all well-care, cherish.
Affection, the same strain, blood thicker than water. Friendship, like brothers, Gandanxiangzhao. Love, a hundred years of cultivation with the boat, spend the dependency, old age conjugal bliss. These three true inner feelings, which is not a great situation earthly love, which is not that between heaven and earth most worthy of cherished fate. It is no dispute that, living in this chaos everyone in this world, the lack of what kind of life would be incomplete life, fate will be tragic fate. This affair will become pure and to the true fate on earth.
Remove these three fate, indeed, in our lives, there are many worthy of the same fate that we treasure. One side of the edge of the stranger, pass by Xiangshiyixiao, passing a warm fate. Deskmate, he Hanchuang studying, students youth, pointing Jiangshan, leaving behind many fond memories, separated by many years, students at the meet again, Shenqingxiangyong, this is pure classmate edge. Fought with the allies who forged a friendship as close as brothers, which is a comrade-edge. Colleagues who work together every day, to a common cause, mutual cooperation, mutual encouragement and common progress, this is a colleague edge.
Of course, there is a fate equally deserve our heart treasure. As we engaged in the cause of career and fought it to make our lives more meaningful, more colorful, it makes our lives with the pursuit of goals, give us a fascinating sense of achievement, but also reflects our the value of life. Therefore, we must treasure what we engage in business, based on diligent work and continued to struggle hard in the harvest happy to realize the value of life.

在我看来,缘分是最值得珍惜的一种情愫。虽然,缘分是那样的虚无缥缈,仅仅是冥冥之中命运的机缘巧合,可这种上天注定的缘分,却实实在在存在于有形中,又无时无刻无处不在。 说到底,人世间的亲情、友情、爱情,归根结底都是一种缘分。只是这三种缘分,对我们每一个来说更加弥足珍贵,几乎缺一不可,所以我们都精心呵护,倍加珍惜。




