
Whenever the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, I see a lot of very excited people in the sweet-scented osmanthus trees in the vicinity of the open-hearted fun with music. Will naturally attract a lot of patients who stand under a tree to laugh at Sha Sha, watch and wait, play hard to breathe slowly to share ... ...
  whenever this season, I will take the trouble of all the sections of the south windows are open, through the window of thin sand, I could clearly see those beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus trees, a random breath will be heard Heart submerged flowers, warm people, drunk people ... ...
  as in the season, I heard an old man in the hall talking about the story of sweet-scented osmanthus, at the time of his side's Circuit, a lot of people, they forget all the pain of cancer, the cancer had forgotten to bring their own All of the panic from their facial expressions, story-telling and story-telling for those who have become well-being.
  standing as a space for the well-being, unconsciously, I thought I had a patient, for her memory and also about this time of the sweet-scented osmanthus.
  remember, it is the season of sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, she walked into our branches radiotherapy, she is breast cancer, she was 45 years old, she was proud to have a child in high school, she had an unfortunate family husband Died in an accident in a car accident, she came here, the mood is extremely low, she often told me that she was the only occasion in the world that her children, but also small, if the child is now 20 years old, more good!
  She said that since the disease, she has undergone surgery after suffering of ordinary people is hard to imagine, went through chemotherapy after thinning hair out of embarrassment, to persuade the family, came radiation, is suffering ah, she looked a little excited The emotional moment, I do not know what to do.
  after a course of radiotherapy, she did not improve the situation, and in her neck a few more of the lymph nodes continue to grow up, she looked at the growing weight of the body and those of the wild growth of lymph nodes, we gave her Another developed a treatment program, which looked at the treatment program, she shook her head in anguish.
  "Well, the dead, only 5,000 homes have run out ... ..." Finally, she took time, I sent her to the door in the hope that she can continue treatment, she did not answer me, but Watching outside the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, a long, long time before slowly without careful that this sweet-scented osmanthus Hong good ah! Next year is just sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance of the day, which I will? ... ...
  hey! Flower similar mid-Sui Sui, Sui Sui different people every year, this year, the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in the season, I suddenly thought of her, but she already is not me.

