
06年最有意义的事是与非洲的鬼老过招, 今年10月20日我收到西非洲的贝宁共和国MR.RANJI MARTINZ 发来的邮件,邮件大意是他是贝宁的一个高级律师,他的客户有一大笔美元想在中国寻找项目投资,想与我合作,通过我的银行帐户将款转入中国.我强烈的好奇心驱使我,对这个非洲黑鬼的举动产生兴趣,起初我并不相信有什么奇迹发生,跟鬼老玩玩是第一次,平时想象鬼老好象高人一等的样子,现在我可以亲身体验鬼老到底有什么三头六臂,高在哪里. 我的英语不好,但是大概的意思连掾带摸就基本知道什么意思, 一来二往,用邮件沟通好象没有什么大问题,双方对邮件的理解还算不会离题太远. 对创业累遭挫折的我,本来就有点想入非非的感觉,鬼老的邮件象天上掉下个大金矿,让我眼睛发亮,精神百倍, 在我仅仅学的半点残余的英语,在打工的十年生涯中无所应用,在不用就快过期了,连残渣都没的剩了,所以感觉特别兴奋和刺激. 由于中国和贝宁时间差的关系, 我每天守到晚上11点才收到RANJI MARTINZ发来的邮件. 经过与RANJI MARTINZ一个星期的邮件交往, RANJI MARTINZ亮出的大金矿是$27.5M USD,天哪,穷的我快要掉裤子的我, 看到这个数字令我两眼发直,中国到底有多少人有这个数字,扳起指头就可以算得出来, 是2700万美元,相当与216,000,000元人民币.我好不容易屛住呼吸,生怕别人知道这个金矿的秘密, 做梦都在规划自己的别墅,是买BENZ 还是买LESX,梦毕竟是梦,不敢做太久,不然,会精神失常.

11月2日, 我收到RANJI MARTINZ发来的邮件,让我敢到惊喜,他说委托贝宁共和国驻中国大使馆的官员护送装有2700完美元的保险箱到中国来交给我. 还将装有美金的保险箱和美金图片发给我,要我按照箱子的实物验收, 在第一次邮件的交往中我就申明过,要我帮助你将钱转移到中国我没有问题,不过我不会支付发生在中国以外发生的任何费用,支付发生在中国境内的费用,也必须经过中国的金融机构检验确认的财产转移依据. 确认钱是合法的. 我很感谢MR.RANJI MARTINZ 能给我一个这么完整的梦, MR.RANJI MARTINZ委托的人是Mr Anthony, 他说: Mr Anthony 将在11月3日8点到达北京, 叫我在北京迎接Mr Anthony及时完成交接. 这一夜我彻夜难眠, 这梦太美妙了, 难道真实老天开眼,让我这八辈子老祖宗老实巴交的贫下中农脱贫了.
梦在继续进行,11月3日晚上8点, 我接到Mr Anthony从北京打来的电话,由于我的英语口语不行,和Mr Anthony的沟通有困难,我只能用手机短信问他在北京的情况, 晚上22点我再次收到MR.RANJI MARTINZ 的邮件,叫我尽快赶到北京和Mr Anthony交接. 这段时间我刚好要去北京办事,我通过北京的朋友查探Mr Anthony的消息,结果一天下来虽然联系上了,但是没有任何明确的信息, 我在11月4日晚上9.30点到达北京机场,刚下飞机,就接到Mr Anthony的临时翻译给我的电话, 我只有叫他们到海淀我朋友住处会合,我赶到我朋友那里是Mr Anthony已经在那里等我了. 通过翻译的解释和沟通,我将我事先准备好的协议那出来,让Mr Anthony熟悉协议的条款和内容,协议主要是我和RANJI MARTINZ 商定的内容. Anthony 拿出两分提货单形式的文件给翻译,向我传达和解释意思,说保险箱在某国金融安全部门保管,现在要支付一笔护送费才可以拿出来, 数字是$7500USD 我说没有问题我们按照协议执行,只要保险箱确认是合法真实的,符合中国的法律就可以支付费用交接.我要求Anthony提交身份证明和护照复印件,但是他们说护照放在使馆,我知道游戏该结速了, 请MR.Anthony 明天提出保险箱到这里来办理交接,这样就告一段落.

11月5日上午10点, MR.Anthony 来电话说他老板的护照没有及时传过来,交易无法进行,我说没有问题,等你,我在办理我在北京的事,下午17点, MR.Anthony来电话说护照已经过来了问我怎么办,我说按照计划继续进行, 地点还在我朋友那里. 结果我们等到晚上9点还没有等到. 宣布游戏正式结速. 11月6日上午,我在继续办理我在北京的事,12点赶往机场, 下午2点我收到我北京朋友的电话说: MR.Anthony 来电话说他被他老板炒了. 我望着蓝天,美梦划上了句号.

附件一: RANJI MARTINZ 11月2日邮件


I received your mail sent to me many thanks for your urgent reply, my dear brother your content is well understood to me but is like you dont understand my point very well ok, in my last message I told you that if the consignment arrive in china you have to pay the diplomat his charges so that he will go back you and my contact person from here will take the consignment to your house and open it with my contact person for investyment business by then i will come over by my self and join you the way we discuss before is that clear, you are not going to pay the $7,500 u.s dollars here you are going to pay the diplomat to your country one on one as soon as he arrive China is that ok, dont be afraid over this this because i have every documents to back up this fund so my contact person move this night and his name is Mr Anthony pius he will arrive tomorrow and meet you one on one before the diplomat arrive next tomorrow so dont worry about every thing I will arrange things very well is that clear, here is the consignment parckage as a consignment so open the attach file and see the money the way i parckage it is that cear, the only assurance is that you will never regret knowing me but make sure you keep every thing confidencial because by the time I will come over i will show you alot of investment ok. 分页标题#e#



附件二: RANJI MARTINZ 11月3日邮件

Dear Brother sunny

I want to inform you that my contact person call me that he arrive in beijing this morning and he made me to understand tha he call you to meet him up in beijing for meet before diplomat arrive tomorrow so for your information Mr Anthony pius arrive beijing not your city so it is better you arrive and meet him up so that two of you will go and meet the diplomat with the consignment so that you will pay the diplomat and collect the consignment from him without delay ok, remember that i told you before that diplomat didn,t know the content of the consignment so dont disclose any information when you are there with diplomat so that he will not know that is money is that clear so arrange your self with the money and travel down to beijing so that you will stay in hotel and wait for the arrival of the diplomat in beijing is that clear, confirm your arrival date because there is nop time to waste so that as soon as you confirm that you are with the money i will fly down for investment business.


barrister ranji

