
1. It‘s very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport, Miss Wang.
  王小姐,您能到机场来接WO真是太客气了 .
  2. We will do our best to ship the goods as early as possible, and we feel sure that the shipment will be satisfactory to you in every respect.
  WO们将尽力早日装运,并相信你方对这批货物会全方位满足 .
  3. I believe that our pleasure cooperation over the years has proved us trustworthy partners.
  WO相信多年的友好合作,WO们已经成了可信赖的伙伴 .
  4. Talking about food, I have two favorites: one is Chinese food,  the other is French food.
  谈到食品,WO有两个爱好,一是中国食品,另一个就是法国食品 .
  5. My secretary will send the contract with my signature to your hotel 2:00 this afternoon.
  今天下午两点,WO的秘书将把WO签过的合同送到您的宾馆 .
  6. If you should encounter any inconveniences, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I‘ll be very glad to help you out.
  您若有不便之处,请随时直言相告,WO将很乐意为您排忧解难 .
  7. Our way of packing has been widely accepted by other clients, and we have received no complaints whatsoever up to now.
  WO们的包装方式已经被其他客户广泛接受,目前为止还没有任何投拆 .
  8. I would like to bend the rules a little if possible, but we only accept D/P if the amount is under USD2,000.
  9. I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of longstanding cooperation between us.
  WO希望这次中国之行标志着WO们之间长期稳定的业务合作的开始 .
  10. If you can reduce the price by 2% and give us three months to raise money, we‘d be willing to give you a 10% down payment.
  假如你愿意把价格降低2%,并且给WO们三个月的时间筹款,WO们就愿先付10%的订金 .
  11. I‘m afraid our manager will not be available till tomorrow afternoon……
  恐怕WO们经理要到明天下午才有空 .
  12. Anyway, compared with the prices of similar products on the international market, our price has always been on the low side.
  不管怎么样,比较世界市场上相同产品的价格,WO们的价格总是很低的 .
  13. We can certainly do this, but it is subject to an additional premium, because our CIF quotation doesn‘t include this risk.
  WO们当然可以照办,但战争险要交额外的保险费,因为WO们的 CIF 报价没有包括这种附别 .
  14. Last year our turnover reached $ 1million, a 10-year high.
  去年WO们的出口额达到了100万,创十年之最高 .
  15. I‘m afraid I’m not in a position to give you an immediate answer. I‘ll have to consult my head office.
  WO恐怕不能立即给你答复,WO要先和总公司联系一下 .
  16. Our corporation was established in 1964 and has now over twenty branches overseas.
  WO们公司创建于1964年,现在国外有二十几个分公司 .
  17. So now we can offer you 10,000 pieces of Art.NO.17 at US $ 80 per piece CIFC5% London for shipment in May.
  现在WO们向你们报价十七号货1万件,每件成本加运保费至伦敦80美元,含佣5%,5月份装运 .
  18. But your products are still new to our market, and we need to do a lot of work and send a lot of money on the sales promotion.
  19. We‘re now looking to the American market to sell our new generation of color TV sets.
  20. The designs and colors of our products will almost exactly match your needs.
  21. I do hope you‘ll visit us someday soon so that we may return your kindness and warm hospitality.
  22. Such products are widely sold in markets abroad. And they are gaining popularity because of their fine quality and competitive prices.
  23. But you know fully well that our product is of superior quality. Other products can‘t be compared with it.
  24. It‘s my greatest pleasure to introduce Mr. Johnson to you. Mr. Johnson is the CEO of our biggest trading partner, the Atlantic Industrial Corporation.
  WO很荣幸,向你介绍约翰逊先生,约翰逊先生,是WO们最好的贸易伙伴——太平洋工业公司的首席执行官 .
  25. Should your prices be competitive, we will be prepared to increase our order by 500 dozen.
  26. This is the busiest street in the city. It‘s the commercial and cultural center here.
  这是这儿最繁华的街道,是本市的商业和文化中心 .
  27. Thank you for your hospitality. I look forward to meeting your general manager.
  感谢你们的盛情邀请,WO也期待着与总经理先生见面 .
  28. On behalf of our company, I‘d like to say how delighted we are to receive you here.
  29. Pure silk garments are our best selling goods. They sell very fast every year.
  真丝 服装 是WO们畅销品,每年都销售量都很大 .
  30. We always keep an eye on customers‘ preference and make our products according to what our customers need, want and like.
  WO们总是密切注视消费者的喜好,根本消费者需求、喜好,生产WO们的产品 .
  31. This is a beautiful city in northwestern part of China. We hope you‘ll enjoy your stay here.
  这是中国西北部一座漂亮的城市,WO们希望你们在此有一愉快的行程 .
  32. I‘ve had a very pleasant stay here. My trip to China have been both enjoyable and productive.
  WO在此地的停留非常愉快,WO的中国之行十分尽兴且收获不少 .
  33. I do hope you will visit us someday soon so that we may return your kindness and hospitality.
  34. I‘m afraid we’ll have a hard time persuading our users to accept the new products.
  35. The designs and colors of your products will almost exactly match your needs.
  36. The articles can be made specially according to your own specifications.
  WO们可以根据你们提供的规格定做产品 .
  37. We‘ve had a very good business relationship over the past years. I think this transaction would be more promising if you could make an appropriate reduction.
  在过去的几年中,WO们已经建立了良好的商业关系 . WO想假如你能适当降低价格,达成这笔交易是很有希望的 . <是有“钱”景的,是有“钱”途的>
  38. Though we‘ve only been here for one day, we’re already deeply impressed by your hospitality and thoughtfulness.
  39. Mr. Smith, I wonder if you have any particular preferences?
  40. I will study your offer with my colleagues and give you a definite reply in three days.
  WO将跟同事们研究一下,三天之内给你确切答复 .

