
One day, I went to teacher's house to play. Into the teacher's house, I saw a teacher holding things green. I quickly asked: "Teacher, you hand is what?" The teacher said: "This is a good thing, you guess what it is." I said after careful observation: "This is a shower. "smiled the teacher said:" It is the lotus, you say a 'first' word. It grows in the lotus pond. is after the flowers fade into the. now give you. "I am pleased to take over careful observation of the lotus up again.
I see it like a big triangle. It is outside the color green. There is a protruding above the philoxeroides head. It touched the skin, and some local processes, tied up the hardware; subsidence in some places, soft. A, I have been ripping it. Yes! I found a lotus, I found a lotus. There are bright yellow for many of the lotus. Do not eat, must be stripped of the green skin, which shows a white lotus meat, can be enough to pay for. about whom I have eaten meat Lian half. Lotus white meat inside is yellow, the middle has a green core. Eat together, you will not feel bitter, sweet feeling.
However, if you eat the green core, then you must suffer a "wah-wah" . However, many people still like to eat lotus core, foam core drinking lotus tea, because it has , Mingmu clear role.
I want to eat Unfortunately, only one teacher lotus home. I would like to call tomorrow to take me to my father playing a lotus pool, and to take home slowly lotus taste and enjoy.

有一天,我到老师家玩。进了老师家,我看到老师的手里拿着一个碧绿的东西。我连忙问:“,老师,你手里拿的是什么东西?”老师说:“这是一个好吃的东西,你猜一猜它是什么东西。”我仔细观察后说:“这是一个莲蓬头。”老师笑了笑说:“它是莲蓬,你多说了一个‘头’字 。它生长在荷花池里。是荷花褪去后变成的。现在送给你。”我高兴地接过了莲蓬又一次仔细观察起来。


可是,你如果专吃那绿色的芯,那一定会让你苦得“哇哇”直叫。 可是,许多人还是喜欢吃莲芯,喝莲芯泡的茶,因为它有去火、清亮明目的作 用。

