
Dense forests, tall trees Tingbo there are many strains - one of them and I Quefei; the vast sea, glittering spray a lot of duo - one of them and I Quefei ... ...
I'm ordinary, I do not have the tall body, there is no enviable qualifications. However, I still have it filled with enthusiasm; I is trivial, but the value of life not because of my ordinary but not be achieved.
We all have our own different positions, in different locations, we played their respective roles. The stage of life, giving us a chance for us to realize their own value. Li Bai said: "I am a natural material to be useful", we realize the value depends on our attitude towards life. Regardless of our role will be, we have the right in our position all its splendor.
The value of life is like a river, we stood in the river each have their own position. Can we drink the water, the key does not lie in our position, but whether we dare to fight for and that the source of life. Wang and stop, not daring to challenge people to life, no matter how superior you are in the position, success will only be passing through, do not belong to you.
Living to give each person a different advantage, it is fair. People who want something for nothing can not be sustained. The realization of the value of life lies in hard work lies in innovation, no matter how our lives here, as long as we dare to struggle and courage to the challenges of life, with their own hands to create part of our own world, we will get our due in return.
Screws seem very insignificant, but its value can not be ignored. Without it, the building will collapse. Ordinary does not mean worthless, ordinary does not mean inaction.
We are ordinary, but each one of us has his own place, let us enjoy blooming in their respective positions to achieve our values.


