
Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes eating habits, in our long history. The origin of eating moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are different versions. The common argument is: the Tang dynasty, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin for the Turks conquered the north, Binh Dinh its repeated violations, so that men set off great general Li Jing personally led his troops in fighting the frontier fortress, the results repeatedly perform outstanding service. The triumphant return of this day August 15 in Beijing. To celebrate the victory, both inside and outside the Kyoto Chang'an City Gun play music, military and civilian carnival night. At that time, one went to Chang'an commerce Tibetan people, in particular to the Emperor Hsien-Yuan cake celebrate a victory. Taizong Li Shimin overjoyed and took over the cake beautifully wrapped box, remove the color round cake, pointing to the sky the moon hung said: "Hu cake should be invited to Toad (ie the moon)." Will be followed by a round cake to the Man Mo 100 Officer. Since then, the custom of eating moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival has been passed down.

中秋节吃月饼的习惯,在我国历史悠久。关于中秋节吃月饼的由来 ,有不同的说法 。普遍的说法是:唐朝时,太宗李世民为征讨北方突厥,平定其屡次的侵犯,令手下大将李靖亲自率部出征,转战边塞,结果屡建奇功。八月十五这天凯旋归京。为了庆祝胜利,京都长安城内外鸣炮奏乐,军民狂欢通宵。当时有个到长安通商的吐蕃人,特地向皇上献圆饼祝捷。太宗李世民大喜,接过装璜华丽的饼盒,取出彩色圆饼,指着悬挂天空的明月说道 :“应将胡饼邀蟾蜍(即月亮)。”随后,将圆饼分给了文武百官。从此 ,中秋节吃月饼的习俗便流传了下来。

