
There was a youth asked a wise man: "How can I become a happy himself, but also to give others who bring happiness?" Wise men to juvenile four phrases: "regard themselves as others, to others as themselves, to others as others, regard themselves as their own. "wise men of the four lines is like a happy prescription. Themselves as someone else: frustration, humiliation, they can put themselves as someone else, people will be able to be involved and upset the natural mitigation, fortune; achievements, they can put themselves as others, would not be carried away, so triumphalist.
Other people as ourselves: with people, failing the shoes of consideration for others, this issue has hit his head, I am going to think, how should I do? More compassion for others, give some help. Other people as people: a man not to be opinionated, they should learn to respect other people, at any time should not neglect others, do not expect others to do, what to do with other people's freedom, you have no right to interfere.
Themselves as their own: Any person who has their own independence, personality, and you are you, not someone else. But sometimes you have is other people, regard themselves as themselves, have to assume their responsibilities to others when you have to stand on its own as someone else's point of view themselves, so they will not self-enclosed, cocoon.
Commodities read stories, learn new things so that our people as a mirror, can know the advantages and disadvantages, learn empathy, multi-angle, multi-directional observation of society and treat life. If so, we can not get rid of some trouble to make their lives more pleasant, passing around the same time happy person.

曾经有一位少年问一位智者:“我怎样才能变成一个自己愉快,也能给别人带来快乐的人?”智者给少年四句话:"把自己当成别人,把别人当成自己,把别人当成别人,把自己当成自己。" 智者的四句话好比一贴快乐处方。 把自己当成别人:受到挫折、屈辱时,把自己当成别人,人便能置身事外,不快自然减轻,功成名就;取得成绩时,把自己当成别人,就不至于得意忘形,让胜利冲昏头脑。

把别人当成自己:与人交往,遇事设身处地为别人着想,这事碰到自己头上,我会怎么想,该怎么办?对别人多点同情心,多给点帮助。 把别人当成别人:做人不要自以为是,要学会尊重别人,任何时候都不应怠慢别人,不能强求别人怎样做,怎样做是别人的自由,你无权干涉。



