
(1) simple pleasures
There is a little girl every day, walking from home to school. One morning the weather is not very good, gradually thickening clouds, into the afternoon the wind even more urgent, and soon began to have lightning, thunder, heavy rain. The little girl\'s mother is very worried that she was concerned that the little girl would be frightened by thunder, and even hit mine. Under thunderstorm was getting bigger and bigger, lightning, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, the little girl\'s mother quickly drove her car along the route to go to school to find the little girl, to see their little girl a man walking in the on the street, but found that every time a lightning storm, she stopped and looked up and smile.
Looked for a long time, my mother called to her children finally could not help, asked her:
\"What are you doing ah?\"
She said:
\"God just helped me photograph, so I have to laugh ah!\"

(1) 单纯的喜悦
(2) loss and has a
One entrepreneur in business, with amazing success. When he reached the peak of his career, when, one day, accompanied by his father, to an elegant restaurant scene there is an extraordinary violinist Qin Yi is playing for everyone. The entrepreneurs enjoying an aside, remember the year I have studied piano, and almost crazy, it would be his father said: \"If I used the words of a good piano, and now might have played here.\" Yes, child, \"his father replied,\" But that case, you will not be dining here had. \"
We often for lost opportunities or achievements upset, but they often forget that for now have Thanksgiving.
(2) 失去与拥有
(3) know what \"limited\" smart
There is a clever boy, one day his mother took him to the grocery store to buy something, the boss to see this lovely child, open up a can of candy to a little boy put up their own candy. But the boy does not have any action. After the invitation several times, the boss himself caught a lot of candy into his pocket. At home, the mother asked the little boy is very curious, for even without his boss catching candy have to grasp it? Very wonderful little boy replied: \"Because my hand is relatively small ! And the boss\'s hands relatively large, so he took a certain holding a lot more than I!\"
This is a clever child, he knew his own limitations, but more importantly, he also understands people better than yourself.
Everything does not rely solely on their own strength and learn to rely on timely others, is a kind of humility, but also a smart.
(3) 知道自己 「有限」的聪明
  有一个聪明的男孩,有一天妈妈带著他到杂货店去买东西,老板看到这个可爱的小孩,就打开一罐糖果,要小男孩自己拿一把糖果。但是这个男孩却没有任何的动作。几次的邀请之後,老板亲自抓了一大把糖果放进他的口袋中。回到家中,母亲很好奇的问小男孩,为什没有自己去抓糖果而要老板抓 呢?小男孩回答得很妙:「因为我的手比较小呀!而老板的手比较大,所以他拿的一定比我拿的多很多!」


