
Time flies too fast, a blink of an eye for more than a month's holiday back looked like the end of the matter yesterday.
Summer day in the evening, after we had finished our dinner, my father and mother said to me: "so hot, we go swimming, please?" I think: This can be physical, but also the elimination of day fatigue, is the double benefit of good thing, so we immediately drove to the mouth.
We came to the river, my mother in my body sprinkled with some water, saying that it can prevent cramps. And gave me to wear a swimming suit. In order to enable me to some brave, my mother asked me to hold back the water to swim in one breath, the very beginning, how I did not dare, but then I bite teeth, , closed their eyes hold enough gas, diving splash down, I pulled up a mother's hand to pull the first one emerged.
Just the beginning of the tour I will not, Dad asked me pulling his hand, and with him swimming in the water. Suddenly, my hand and my father had been scared out of me enough to choke, I arms and legs in the water, I hope my father came to me as soon as possible, this time, Mom and Dad travel quickly over, and I hold up. Mom taught me how to swim. First of all, the swimmers body to relax, feet should be flat, moving from left to right with left arm paddling, and then paddling his right arm from right to left. Feet before and after the kick. I repeated the exercise several times, a little afraid of water, and every time when travel can be a little forward. Is immediate, ah, the last his father asked me to close from the place from the shore to swim to the destination. As I accompanied my mother to travel to the destination hard, and finally reached the destination. I also practice several times and found that the speed of travel some.
The end of basic training-style swimming, my mother and father went to arrest, we will soon catch her when she all of a sudden to the underwater submarine disappeared. I look tired, would like to sit down and rest, but I just sit down and get a round on things, I was both frightened and afraid. "Teeth" , I am particularly fearful that what has encountered something horrible. Subsequently, the mother surfaced, said: " , how can you sit with my head behind it?" My Father and I heard all this laughter laughter echoed in the valley.
Dark, and I reluctantly left the estuary, I would like to: "My swimming skills are not sophisticated. Since I will often accompany great people I swim with more sophisticated technology.

暑假的一天傍晚,我们吃完晚饭后,爸爸对我和妈妈说:“天气这么热,我们去游泳,好吗?”我想:这样可以锻炼身体,又可以消除  一天的疲劳,是一举两得的美事,于是我们立即开车去河口。  
   我们来到了河边,妈妈在我的身上撒了一些水,说这可以预防抽筋。并给我穿上了游泳衣。为了使我能够勇敢一些,妈妈叫我憋一口气   往水里游,一开始,我怎么也不敢,后来我咬咬牙,跺跺脚,闭上了眼睛憋足了气,扑通一声潜了下去,我拉着妈妈的手往上一拽,头一下子   浮出了水面。  

