
Group of piano in the way I went, I inadvertently found a pot of about one meter high Epiphyllum. I am curious to ask her mother: "Mum many of What is the flower children"? "Epiphyllum", my mother told me. Has been long-awaited wish to see a flower, and finally displayed in front of my.
Epiphyllum known as "the next on beauty." We still remember the lessons learned an inside Epiphyllum said about 19 o'clock in the open slowly, open fully bloom time is short due to a "flash in the pan," said. Thus, under the Qin lesson I quickly ran. only have to open the abuse has become a big white flower, the yellow-tipped stamens, red handle is long in the leaves, like a purple cloak girls stood Eclisse , very beautiful. When it is in full bloom with a pure, refined in the United States, people light refreshing scent.
I have been watching this pot Epiphyllum not willing to leave, but the weather was already too late, my mother will tell me to go home. The next morning, I quickly ran downstairs to see it, but he has been withering, and it is shy and lowered his head and returned to the open like before. I really regret not shooting down the process of opening up, really regret ah! I would like to record the occasional!

