
● diligence is a bee that can help you brew the honey of happiness.
● sweat hard to water the flowers open ideal.
● measure the day, do not look at harvest and planting.
● Since the difficulties of doing martial arts, and learning from the hard-earned.
● to pay tribute to as "gas stations", the criticism as .
● pin out on the ground to pick up, the need to bend down; hanging around the neck of the pancake, the need for victory with both hands in order to his mouth; any of the outcome of the acquisition, will need to pay hard.
● Let us learn from the spirit of earthworms, indomitable perseverance; Let us bear in mind the "pains, a harvest," the motto, do, to meet the difficulties and.
● study to create the future, to change the fate of knowledge, attitude is everything!
● failure in life, success is not any real success; being successful, and any failure is not really a failure.
● When the spirit of "thirst", and to listen to music; when the spirit of "hungry", the student reading it.
● live and learn. Only open-minded and progressive, in order to become "winners."

● 勤奋是一只蜜蜂,能帮助你酿造幸福之蜜。
● 拼搏的汗水,能浇开理想的花朵。
● 衡量一天,不看收获而看播种。
● 功夫自难处做去,学问从苦中得来。
● 把表扬看作“加油站”,把批评当成“保健箱”。
● 掉在地上的针,要拾起来,需要低头弯腰;挂在脖子上的饼子,需要用双手捧起,才能送到嘴边;任何成果的获取,都需要辛勤的付出。
● 让我们学习蚯蚓的精神,不屈不挠、锲而不舍;让我们牢记“一分耕耘,一分收获”的格言,踏踏实实,迎难而进。
● 读书造就未来,知识改变命运,态度决定一切!
● 做人失败,任何成功都不算真正的成功;做人成功,任何失败都不算真正的失败。
● 当精神“渴”了,就听听音乐;当精神“饿”了,就读读书吧。
● 活到老,学到老。只有虚怀若谷,不断进取,才能成为“赢家”。

