
In the memory of my childhood, I remember a few things clear, there is an unforgettable, it is found Xiaocaohu indomitable vitality.
On one occasion, I am in my small yard to the water I have a lovely jasmine, the inadvertently discovered the size of an eraser, as some small stones at the bottom of a growing gap in Xiaocaohu unknown. Although I have long heard that the grass is the Hercules of the jungle, but today I found it no small surprise. Also makes me excited, I like like like like this Jasmine Xiaocaohu unknown.
Home from school every day, I always find time to look at the grass, weeds unplug the surrounding grass, watered it, carefully care, I do not know the reasons for or their impatient, not feel Xiaocaohu grew up on the grass a little disappointed, it gradually indifferent.
A few weeks after another day of rain, a Sunday, I was at home to read with relish, suddenly reminded me of my beloved Jasmine, I immediately left the hands of books, go to the yard rushed past, and regardless of their shoes have not had time to , ran to see my baby ---- Jasmine. However, what surprised me is not my baby, but the nameless grass, which not only grown up a long high, but also grow several films and big green leaves and fresh, like a fat baby, very cute. Even more frightening is the grass on both sides of the separation of small stones, the whole covered with small stones grass roots.
I wonder why the grass in the warm sun in general, and in the wind and rain to show great vitality, stand proudly in the wind and rain, to grow. This is the performance of grass you love life! This is for all of us to learn in life to learn, the more arduous and difficult, we should be more strong, so that we will be the same as with grass, to grow.






