
大家好,我要做单据了,请问谁可以帮我提供一份提单和船证的样本呢,谢谢船证样本:BLNUMBER:ABCDISSUEDATE:JUL19,2005VESSEL/VOYAGE:SVENDMAERSK0506DATEONBOARD:JUL19,2005L/CNUMBER:123456THISISTOCERTIFYTHATTHEABOVEMENTIONEDSTEELVESSELNOTOLDERTHAN15(FIFTEEN)YEARSANDCLASSIFIFEDLINERAPPROVEDBYTHECOMPETENTAUTHORITY.ASAGENTFORTHECARRIER这是一般的内容,上面要加CERTIFICATE,以及船公司的抬头,还要船公司的签章.所以,做船龄证明一般要出船东单。大部份船公司都有自己的格式的.有些内容还多些。托运人Shipper500)this.width=500'>500)this.width=500" border=0>  中国对外贸易运输总公司CHINA NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE TRANSPORTATION CORP           GA          联运提单     COMBINED TRANSPORT BILL OF LADING RECEIVED the goods in apparent good order and condition as specified below unless otherwise stated herein.The Carrier ,in accordance with the provisions contained in this documnent . 1) unertaks to perform or to procure the performance of the entire transport from the place at which the goods are tskec in charge th the place designated for delibery in this document ,and  2)assumes liablity as prescribed in this document for such transport.One of the Bills of Lading must be surrendered duly indorsed inexchange for the goods or delivery order.收货人或指示Consignee or order 通知地址 Notify address 前段运输Pre-carriage by 收货地点Place of receipt海运船只Ocean vessel 装货港Port of loading卸货港Port of discharge交货地点Place of delivery运费支付地Freight payable at正本提单份数Number of original Bs/L标志和号码    Marks and Nos.件数和包装种类Number and kind of packages货名Description of goods毛重(公斤)Gross weight (kgs.)尺码(立方米)Measurement(m3)                 以上细目由托运人提供              ABOVE PARTICCLARS FURNSHED" >最后编辑者lvjingfang1314…衙役采纳率:98%>该不该签这样的协议?模具 出口相关 综合技巧如何制作一份让客户满意的报价单?综合技巧 客户 单证单据我到哪去搞合法的发票啊?请求有多方贵人相助!客户 商务技巧 单证单据采购开期票应如何控制好期限单证单据 开期票今天采购了一批PU革,广州档口说不给开票,这可以的吗?PU革 广州 单证单据公司规定款到发货,客户却要先开发票才能让财务汇款,怎么办?客户 单证单据 综合技巧

