In a steady stream is constant

In a steady stream is constant

The end of the year called American president Aobama the plan last year will begin to be removed from Afghanistan in July 2011 army, be apart from the time that this target still does not have now. Look from current Afghan condition, the U.S. Army should come home be afraid it is so easy to do not have, malan of chairman of joint meeting of American chief of staff's general expresses recently, july 2011 is " begins " Xiang Afang to transfer security responsibility only, turn over a process to want to last as to this how long, deciding the time that this waits for —— to say the U.S. Army withdraws entirely then according to war situation even still is not within the foreseeable future. War hard one of terminative the mainest reasons are Taliban what hide for a long time at Pakistan and Afghan have a common boundary is a mountainous area, area of " of this " be nobody's business developed force to provide best protective screen for its.

A Lihan · model · red Mu (Holand)

