新近接触一老外,邮件中谈到合作时碰到两个新鲜概念的词,以前也没有接触过,一个是CONSIGNMENT(寄售,不晓得翻得对不对),一个是KAN BAN(看板)。各位网友中有没有对产品进行过类似操作的?如果有,应当如何操作?有哪些要特别注意的,还望指教。
CONSIGNMENT The subject of consignment and KAN BAN are done with these types of materials. And it is time to explain what else we desire. Consignment is that the material is stored at XX but owned by the supplier.The commitment is to store material at XX but owned by
supplier, until used by XX. We do have this program with other T suppliers and I have attached an example of the information. This can
be viewed on the computer any time by the supplier. Kan Ban is when the product is moved from supplier inventory to XX, thecontainer contents are immediately replaced upon notification from XX. If the monthly demand is 400 parts; and 2 bags-100/bag are used, you must supply these 200-2 bags from your stock the day you are notified. XX calculates the shipping time in the total container needs As a supplier, you have the right to perform an audit at XX of your material held in consignment. When XX moves the material from Consignment (我工厂) into XX inventory, this is the quantity which will be paid. The terms of payment are agreed to between your company and XX. I have attached an example of the Consignment Report which you as a supplier can view any time to determine what XX has moved from Consignment into inventory. Note that the container for H0013 is 100 pieces/bag and in inventory-owned by the supplier, in Consignment= 2 bags or 200 pieces. XX has used338 pcs which is the amount for payment as of today. The full consignment requirement is 400 pieces/month. I have included other examples. This is NOT all of the T parts which are in consignment.

