
Shipment approval certificate issued and signed by two authorized officers on the original letterhead of DCD trade services LLC,52 west 38TH street, 2ND floor Newyork, NY 10018, Bearing An Authentification of signatures by authorized signatories of the L/C issuing bank. An authenticated swift message from the issuing bank to the presenting bank confirming that the issuing bank has received a shipment approval certificate and that the authorized signatories contained on the shipment approval certificate are authentic
(由两位经授权的官员签署的装船批准证书,证书要用括符里的这家外国公司为信头的原件信纸写成,并带有信用证开证行的证实签名.) 加拿大客人给我们看的草稿,我看不懂这一条,于是就去百度上搜索,没想到...竟然有一样的,所有的都一样,并且这一条是做不到的,是软条款,这样的客人怎么办? 高手们碰到过这种情况吗?
搜不到一样的才算你头疼 这表明操作比较大众化 没什么大难度 人家已经帮你趟了这条路了 这个软条款不就是人家做过的嘛 你可以提出改单啊
靠, 做不到你也要他放弃这个权利, 你可以要他同意你不尽这个义务啊。 但是显然如果不做,他就会觉得对他那边不是很有利, 软条款只是一些限制条件, 跟我们理解的陷阱是不一样的拉. 如果对方是成心各你做生意, 即使有那些软条款, 也不会妨碍生意进行的......

