
Each person has his own grief, we do not have to pretend happiness. The feeling of happiness is only blink of an eye, but we usually do not live in the state of feeling, too subtle, feeling very tired, and too intense to withstand. I rolling for radical into the air that can be surrounded my so that my world, to reach out and touch, is attached to the water vapor next to my happiness and sadness, damp, and happiness for me and water vapor and sadness.
I am looking forward to someone can share with me the end, this is the loneliness. I probably should have known the original of this world no one can replace me, no one can ever accompanied me, long overdue, habits, should not be looking forward to. Perhaps happiness, like money and fame and fortune, it is not pure, kind-hearted people might not. Perhaps there is no happiness, only one of our Department's **** are met, like the spring inside the flowers, to be reborn, and sunshine, happiness bloom, or whether she was eager to get rid of a cold winter, the biting wind and frost, but get rid of away in the spring of ****, in the sun engageante have met, she smiled and laughed more beautiful than we had, is the performance of well-being.
Happiness may not be bright, not a long time, not so that we have to expose a smile, so do not expect too much, so like, so like, it buried in the bar behind us, and the shadow to go with, so deliberate nowhere to be placed, so natural to come back, happiness is, sadness is.




