
Walking on the edge of poetic, I would like to poetry as my life's motto. I have to pursue poetry, I am eagerly tomorrow, probably around the front of thorns, I put between the poetic assured, I am no longer afraid and no longer anxious.
Choose to live in poetry, Li Bai is the best example of setting. He came from the depths of the distant snow-capped mountains, into the empty mountains Meng, Heng Fa Chuen Chun-yu Jiangnan, into the jade plate delicacy of the palace, and then to hold our heads to escape the intrigues of the contentious region and integration between the great rivers and mountains. This way, there are the flowers bright, but also scorching the poisonous weeds, he chose poetry to go on, do not care about baseless rumor. In the poetic world, he made wine Huan, and the songs and recited it really chic at ease! It is this poetic attitude, achievements of the legendary Li Po decent life, ages birth to poems sung one song after another.
The pursuit of poetry, poetry, life, which of course is not just a poet of the patent.
Their poetry has been translated into the dust of history, disappeared in the wind. Now, once again to bring poetry. Oh, what a misty word. I am not an affectation, not hypocritical, I should just only the one on poetry, the heart, reflected in the mind, with me all the way forward.
Walking on the edge of poetic, which is the number of nothingness sentence. I am not a poet, not a great man, just drop in the ocean, I should just walk the road of life can touch with both hands to the poetic heart. When things change, because walking the edge of poetic offering only I could have been ahead, let the material world around me the way forward. 行走在诗意的边缘,我愿把诗意作为我人生的座右铭。我追求诗意,我翘首明天,前方或许遍布荆棘,我把诗意放心间,我不再害怕,不再彷徨。 选择诗意地生活,李白定是最好的典范。他从遥远的雪山深处走来,走进山色空蒙,杏花春雨的江南,走进玉盘珍馐的皇宫,然后又昂首阔步地逃离这勾心斗角的是非之地,融入大好河山之间。这一路上,有似锦的繁花,也有灼人的毒草,他选择诗意地走下去,不在乎风言风语。在充满诗意的世界里,他把酒言欢,且歌且吟,好不潇洒自在!正是这份诗意的态度,成就了李白不俗的人生传奇,孕育了一首首传唱千古的诗篇。 追求诗意,诗意地生活,这当然不只是诗人的专利。 他们的诗意已化为历史的尘埃,消逝在风里。而今,再次提起诗意。呵,多么飘渺的一个词。我不是做作,不是矫情,我只愿只把一份诗意放在心间,映在脑海中,伴我一路前行。 行走在诗意的边缘,这是多少虚无的一句话。我不是诗人,不是伟人,只是沧海之一粟,我只愿行走在人生的道路上,能够用双手触摸到诗意的心跳。当世事变迁,因为行走在诗意的边缘,只愿我能一直前行,不让外物左右我前进的方向。

