
Me, it\'s a delicate little daisies. I live in a beautiful large flower bed, in regard to happiness, I have personally experienced. \"Falling,\" a drop of water, landed on my head, I know, rain. Gray of the sky, under the blinding light rain, light rain falling silent, playing in my bud, the rain, is like the United States, such as precious pearls, but lower than pure pearls, such as crystal dew, but even more hard to come by than the dew more, such as precious tears, tears than good.
Rain, the next big, the distance, came a vague silhouette, I am full of doubts; someone will walk rain do? Also leisurely\'s! Silhouette gradually larger, become clear, the original, is a ragged old grandfather, his pair of eyes I do not know atheism gazing where rainwater from his thin clothes draw down, dripping on the floor, it sounds so sounds like sour hearts of people, and Itai-itai\'s. Grandfather slowly moved over, sat on a flower bed. His niche in slowly to himself, I quietly listen, then I know the grandfather\'s family was: grandfather was originally a very wealthy businessman, but his son has life of debauchery, finally penniless, with only an old house and 1:00 grandmother to leave the property, grandfather and grandmother to persuade their son should not be wasted, and can be - not only did not listen to his son, also grandma worked so hard to leave the property taken away, grandma was alive, after the mad son grandfather again driven from their homes, their houses as their own accounts.
Rain, steeper, and the wind, more mad, and looking at grandfather\'s body was thin, and the rain as if into my heart. Huh? The rain stopped? So why one side of the tree still under the stormy weather? I looked up and, oh, a little girl, her name of Xiao San, as the grandfather rain, and she opened wide his eyes, curious and asked grandfather doing? Master also looked at her kindly, said: \"Look, it rains, you will be sick to play.\" \"I\'m not sick! I am not a child, I have first grade啦, you can call me Happy, the teacher called me! Also, I\'m not out playing, I was looking at the rain-law how to watering! \"little girl muttering mouth said,\" It appears that you do not seem happy like it? \"\" The kids do not, Happy, Grandpa has encountered many difficulties, do not know how to do,. \"said the old tears, the little girl with her crystal eyes looking at the elderly,\" You should go to the face of difficulties grandfather, my mother told me that before, no matter what difficulties have to face and defeat it. I am after a fall at school I have the courage to stand up, what difficulties are not overcome it? \"old dried her tears,\" may ... ..., but \"\" How can we not gone through wind and rain rainbow, no one can casually succeed. \"the little girl\'s voice interrupted the old man\'s words, the old man wants for a long time and later to the little girl said:\" Thank you for giving me happy, give me hope, to my mind the sun. \"
See old little girl smiled, and she also laughed, and I am going to have smiled. At this point, the storm stopped, the sun pushed gray clouds, smile. Across the horizon, a rainbow, dream-like ... ...

  雨,更猛了,风,更狂了,看着老爷爷那单薄的身子 ,雨仿佛打进我心中。咦?雨停了?那为什么一旁的大树上还下着狂风暴雨?我一抬头,哦,是一个小女孩,她打着小伞,为老爷爷挡雨,她睁大了双眼,好奇地问老爷爷在干吗?老爷也看了看她和蔼的说:“小朋友,下雨了,你去来玩会生病的。”“我不会生病!我也不是小朋友,我都上一年级啦,你可以叫我Happy,老师就这样叫我!还有,我不是出来玩,我是在看雨婆婆怎样浇水!”小女孩嘟囔着小嘴说,“看起来,你,好象不开心似的呢?”“小朋友,不,Happy,爷爷遇到了许多困难,不知该怎么办才好。”老人流着泪说,小女孩用她那晶莹的眼睛望着老人“老爷爷你应该去面对困难,妈妈跟我说过,不管遇到什么困难都要去面对并战胜它。我在学校跌倒后我都勇敢地站起来了,又有什么困难是不能克服的呢?”老人擦干了眼泪“可……可是”“不经历风雨怎能见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功。”小女孩的歌声打断了老人的话语,老人想了许久后又对小女孩说:“谢谢你给我快乐、给我希望、给我心中的阳光。”  


