
The story is this: There are three individuals to three years in prison, the warden to give them three one-person request. Americans love cigars, cigar boxes to three. The most romantic French people, it is necessary to accompany a beautiful woman. The Jews said that he wants a phone to communicate with the outside world. After three years, dashing out of the first is the Americans, his nose stuffed with cigars, big shouted: "Give me fire, give me fire!" That he forgot to fire the. Then out of the French.
Saw a child holding his hands, the hands of a beautiful woman holding a child, also with a stomach third. Finally, it is the Jews, he held tightly the hands of the warden, said: "This is a day over the past three years I have contact with the outside world, my business has not only failed to come to a halt, but an increase of 200%, in order to thank, I give you a Rausch Rice! "
This story tells us: What kind of choice to decide what kind of life. Today's life is from three years ago, our choice decisions, and our choices today will determine our life after three years. We must choose to access the latest information on the latest trends, in order to better create their own future.


  这个故事告诉我们: 什么样的选择决定什么样的生活。今天的生活是由三年前我们的选择决定的,而今天我们的抉择将决定我们三年后的生活。我们要选择接触最新的信息,了解最新的趋势,从而更好的创造自己的将来。

