
The origin of Father's Day Father's Day
June each year on the third Sunday of a "Father's Day" (Father's Day), and "Mother's Day", "Father's Day" originated in the United States. 1909, a multi-Wood's name in the United States capital, Washington, DC (Washington D.C.) spread "Mother's Day." In the meantime, she thinks of her father. When she was young, his mother passed away, her father had been struggling to bring up children alone shoulder the burden of the family. Past the scenes, scenes in her mind surfaced. Ms. Wood and more deeply felt the need to establish Father's Day. She appeals to the community, a cause for a positive response, the third Sunday in June was selected as the "Father's Day." In June 1910, the United States celebrated the first "Father's Day." His father was still alive all the people in the front wearing a red rose, in order to express his father's tribute to the late father who was wearing a white roses, as an expression of the infinite memory of the father and grief.

1927, the Office of the President Calvin Coolidge said that the festival was endorsed. Since then, "Father's Day" as more and more people are aware and have been handed down. Students, and you may have thought the "Father's Day" arrived, the father worked hard to send hard-point gift?

父亲节的由来Father's Day

每年六月的第三个星期日是“父亲节”(Father's Day),和“母亲节”一样,“父亲节”也起源于美国。1909年,一位名叫多伍德的女士在美国首都华盛顿特区(Washington D.C.)传播“母亲节”。在此期间,她想到了父亲。在她很小的时候,母亲离开了人世,父亲不得不艰难地独自担负起抚养孩子的家庭重担。过去的情景,又一幕幕地在她的脑海里浮现。多伍德女士深深地感到设立父亲节的必要。她向社会呼吁,引起了人们的积极响应,六月的第三个星期日被选为“父亲节”。在1910年6月,美国庆祝了第一个“父亲节”。当时凡是父亲还健在的人都在胸前佩戴一朵红玫瑰花,以表达对父亲的敬意;而父亲已故去的人,则佩戴一朵白玫瑰花,以此表达对父亲的无限怀念和哀思。


