
Spring equinox, day and night the North and the South is almost isometric, North Nanyan fly, peach blossoms in full bloom, our country most of the winter crop has entered a growth phase, and one group vitality picture.
That day to the countryside Caifeng research, you will find that people almost every non-idlers, are busy at Lane. Because for them, the spring equinox has come, spring irrigation and spring species, spring is being carried out one after another, when the busy spring period.
As the saying goes, \"Vernal Equinox up wheat, fertilizer to keep up.\" For wheat and stresses at the moment, it is spring when green soaring, many water and necessary nutrients, \"black and white wheat up a long moment therefore, give people plant wheat on wheat watering fertilizer, shall not delay a moment. People put on the water known as \"green water.\" If the case of wheat production in the year, most spring failure is doused with \"green water\" led to.
Since the spring of land since the start loosening, when the spring equinox has been restored completely, the others took advantage of the cotton plant to , beginning and cotton fields Stubbs Gate, arable land, sowing. Autumn picking cotton last year after much cotton was put down in the gate, the natural air-dry. Vernal Equinox, the land is suitable for the soft, cotton are pulling the old gate, arable land, when under the new species.
For the northern region, the cotton plant, wheat growth is the most worrying farm work, and for many regions of the South, the spring equinox is busy planting rice, Sheung Shui season.
Past agricultural society, weather has been very important too. Equinox is the spring Spend half of the signs, it is clear the importance of farming cycle, is the so-called \"memorial day festival month not later Zhongchun Zhongqiu just the right time.\" Historical records \"memorial day Vernal Equinox, Autumnal Equinox Festival Month, which is the country\'s ceremony may not be good at Siren\" That day, the emperor \"and the white silk suit Green Green\", led to the Imperial 46 miles located on the eastern outskirts altar, shrine the sun, pray for the gift of the sun. Equinox ritual reason why \"white silk suit and Green Green,\" The reason is that according to the traditional Five Elements Theory, blue, colors are the Orient, one of four gods Qinglong, is located in the East, on behalf of the spring; At the same time, the past five color to blue, White, Zhu, Xuan, yellow for the distinguished color, emperor worship to be held in accordance with the different weather, wearing different color clothes. Equinox ritual have to wear a blue dress. Equinox very solemn ritual ceremony to make offerings cow, worship does not shine from the beginning days, the festival has been Tianming to meet the rising sun. When paper money to worship, offerings on aircraft fuel burn, smoke rising to the success of express worship the sun. Today, the day Altar in Beijing during the Ming and Qing emperors to worship is the sun\'s place. West to the altar, surrounded by a circular wall, surrounded by stars has lattice door. Simon peripherals have Liao furnace, bury Pool; North outside the library in God, Id al-Adha Pavilion, Clock Tower, Palace of service. Memorial day ceremony is very important. Ming Dynasty emperor to use memorial day, three wreath ceremony, music is played seven, eight dance-yi, the gift. refers to pigs, cattle, sheep complete. Xian Reizo that offer wine three times, the early Xian Grand Mercure, Grand Mercure Xian Asia, collectively known as the final three Grand Xian Xian. Eight yi are the ranks of dance music, but also music and dance express the social status of the Level, specifications. 1 yi refers to an eight people, eight people Yasushi 64 8. According to etiquette, only the emperor worship in order to jump eight . In this scene refers to the scale, the grand ceremony, showing the importance attached to the emperor on the memorial day.
Shandong also popular over the past civil Spring equinox brewing and drinking customs Spring, more than busy, people will have to farm life as much as possible conditioning. Jiangnan region popular reward cattle, birds ritual customs. Equinox has been to, cattle began work a year to glutinous rice to feed cattle express reward Mission; sacrificial birds, a reminder to thank them for their farming season, hope the two birds are pecking grains not to pray for a good harvest means.

