
Awakening of Insects mean spring\'s move, awakened dormant in the soil hibernating animals. Of the calendar year in early March, the temperature rose quickly, becoming the initiative there is spring. Hibernation is the meaning of possession. \"Awakening of Insects\" means the drilling mud in the winter the small animals are waking up out of Lei activity. \"Awakening of Insects\" day cycle, the Earth has already reached 345 degrees by the yellow sun, the general in the annual March 4 to 7 day. \"Collected Annotations on the 72-designate,\" said: \"February Festival, things beyond shock, shock for Lei, Awakening of Insects. Are frightened and run away Zhechong say.\" Jin dynasty poet Tao Yuan-ming\'s poem has said: \"Promoting meet unexpectedly when the spring rain, only mine hair East corner, are the latent astonish hibernation, vertical and horizontal vegetation Shu. \"in fact, insects are not hear the thunder, the earth Huichun, the weather is warming so that they end of hibernation,\" shock and away \"the reasons. Chinese around the spring until late morning ming time vary on multi-year average, southern Yunnan at the end of January each year before and after you hear mine, and mine in Beijing early in the day each year in late April. \"Awakening of Insects only mine\" is the Jiangnan region and along the river coincide with climate laws.
Awakening of Insects in Ancient China will be further divided into three: \"First-designate Shihwa peach; designate two positions G (Oriole) Ming; designate three eagles into Hatoyama.\" Description is a peach red, gray Lee, Ying Huang calls, Yanfei to the season , the majority of regions have entered the spring. Awakened dormant in the soil to hibernate when the various insects, the eggs at this time to begin the winter eggs, and it can be seen Awakening of Insects is a reflection of natural objects, a situation further cycle.
\"Spring Thunder, ring, all things long,\" Awakening of Insects is a good season of \"99\" Sunny, temperature rise, increased rainfall. In addition to the northeast, NT is still the silver makeup Su-wrapped winter scene, the average temperature in most parts of China has risen to more than 0 ℃, the average temperature in North China for the day 3-6 ℃, along Jiangnan for more than 8 ℃, while the Southwest and South China has reached 10-15 ℃, has long been a pack of spring fills the air with warmth. Therefore, China attaches great importance to working people since ancient times, Awakening of Insects cycle, put it as a spring start date. Tang goes: \"Chung-hui new light rain, only one mine Awakening of Insects. Tianjia busy few days, starting from farming.\"农谚also said: \"After Awakening of Insects Festival, spring break should not,\" \"Nine to make Yang flowers, farm work come together. \"regreening start the growth of winter wheat in North China, alternately freezing and thawing of soil still timely rake to reduce water evaporation are the important measures. \"Awakening of Insects do not rake in like steamed steamed away gas,\" This is the local people valuable experience moisture and drought. Yanjiang Jiangnan has jointing wheat, and rape have begun to see flower, water, fertilizer requirements are high, should be timely topdressing, where drought irrigation should be properly watered. South rainwater generally Satisfied vegetables, wheat and green manure crops in spring growth needs. I remember this place, early planting has started the past, farmers called \"Awakening of Insects Yang\", that is, before and after the Awakening of Insects planting seedlings, because the temperature was not very stable, still in the season\'s warmth is also good cold Yangtianba job is very important, otherwise the seedlings will be frozen to death. Of course, much of the progress of science and technology are, and have plastic shed seedlings, the seedlings were greatly reduced the risk of freezing to death. With the temperature rise
Terms Awakening of Insects, the most of our country is generally the temperature 12 ℃ to 14 ℃, higher than 3 ℃ Terms of rainfall over the whole year are the fastest temperature recovery cycle. Sunshine hours also have relatively increased significantly. Since the turn of cold air, however, unstable weather, the temperature fluctuations in the large. Yangtze River valley in southeastern South China region, in most years during the shock potential temperature stability at 12 ℃ or more, in favor of rice and corn planting. Awakening of Insects Although the rapid temperature increase, but an increase in rainfall are limited. Awakening of Insects in South China in central and north-west during the total rainfall is only about 10 mm, following the annual winter do after the spring usually begin to surface. At this time booting in wheat and rape are in a flowering period of more water demand on the water requirements of sensitive, spring often become an important factor in late autumn production.
As the saying goes, \" , Farmer Tin neutral\", \"the Awakening of Insects Festival, hoes do not stop,\" the Awakening of Insects, in most areas of China to enter the busy spring season. Seasonal range of people, moment. Koharu crop fertilizer management, planting seedlings Spring crops are at this time, this season is down-to-earth farm work, the size of the spring harvest to play a particularly important role. \"Spring is the time of year\", seems to sum up very special indeed. Therefore, the rural farmers, regardless of their size, this time must be mobilized into spring plowing. I remember at 11-12 years old, has been farm work along with the adults to work in the fields of study. Harrow plow fields, it is clear that their study should not, but the study田坎paste, son of are a minimum. I remember that first study , just encountered cold, where my child is too short, the fields of water too deep, should not wear thick, but even so, still put clothes wet pants, and was shaking with cold. After all, it is first study or special exciting, especially deep impression, so far have not forgotten.
Awakening of Insects date calculation [Y * D + C]-L. Interpretation of the formula: number of years after the 2 x 5.63 add .2422 check leap year minus the number of integers. Awakening of Insects of the 21st century value C = 5.63. Awakening of Insects such as 2088 date = [88 × .0.2422 +5.63] - [88 / 4] = 26-22 = 4,3 Awakening of Insects are on the 4th month.
  惊蛰日期的计算 [Y*D+C]-L。公式解读:年数的后2位乘0.2422加5.63取整数减闰年数。21世纪惊蛰的C值=5.63。如2088年惊蛰日期=[88×.0.2422+5.63]-[88/4]=26-22=4,3月4日是惊蛰。

