
First, in accordance with the other identity, habits, said the difference between different
To see adults in the school called \"teacher\", and their similar age called \"students\"; in the community, like to see the workers called \"masters\", and intellectuals like the name \"Sir\", the older women called \"Grandpa\" , young women known as \"Auntie\", the elderly man called the \"old man.\" If you know each other\'s professional career can be called names, such as \"X the doctor.\" Some students used to be said for the other \"comrade\", \"masters\", are sometimes not accepted by others, dialogue between the two sides can not increase the feeling of closeness.
Second, according to affiliation and environmental differences between the different call
By the general relationship between the corresponding age, job habits, such as name calling, such as Uncle Lee\" to show respect and courtesy; close more can be referred to a random order to form a close; relations are particularly good can叫小name, nickname or even a first, will not care about each other. If you want good students is squad leader, normally in two unscrupulous. In all seriousness if you suddenly one day to tell him to \"monitor\", but make him think you have any of his views.
Third, in accordance with the purpose of dialogue and the difference between interlocutors referred to the changes in mood
Great writer Balzac described by the well-known miser to see her daughter in Europe had a lover, Ni also deposited in possession of \"re gold box of dressing, \"is determined to yield to the EU also Ni, curry favor with her, and induced to coax her, \"he said his daughter was\" a small good! You\'re my daughter \", I would like to break open the box only dressing. When Ni is also strong in Europe, said \"Father, your gold Dao, I used the knife on the outcome of my life,\" he said with fear and cold: \"Do you dare to do in Europe also Ni\" in the face of her husband\'s shameless and greed, his wife \"halo has passed.\" \"Oh, children, we do not order a box you angry.\" He changed a mercy, sly face. Here, conversation with a call to replace the object several times, the dialogue is a specific purpose, and his mental activity based on changes. In ordinary life we often see that change as a result of the psychological phenomenon called.
Primary and secondary school students from an early age we should know how to address the proper use of reason, to develop the habit of proper use of titles, do not address the use of unhealthy, such as buddy abuse, \"\" chick, \"\" husband abuse \"and so on, at any time to call attention to learn some of the knowledge



