
A money Prefecture
Eastern Han Dynasty, a pet person Liu Ren Hueiji Prefecture, his reform of maladministration, the abolition of exorbitant taxes and levies, as the case is very clean. Later he was transferred to the imperial court post, left, local people take the initiative to come to the pool is about to leave Liu Chong Liu Chong from. Later, it which took on a symbolic accept coins. He was therefore referred to as \"a money in full\"
Tao fish back home
Jin XunCounty officials was a young man. On one occasion, he sent his mother a good pickled fish tank. Mr. Kim received his mother\'s after he returned to the original, and wrote to him: \"You As with public goods for me, not only did no good to me, but I added the concern. \" this matter by the deep education.
Wu implicit fear of drinking greedy Stephen
Wu of the Jin Dynasty of Ren implicit Guangzhou Prefecture, in Guangzhou City, see a pool of spring water were \"greedy Stephen.\" Local legends like Stephen\'s drinking water, will be greedy by nature. He believed, as far as drinking is not wrong, after drinking wrote a poem: \"Our forefathers of this water, drink a pregnant daughter. Try to make Yi Qi drink, and finally when the heart is not easy.\" During his tenure, was honesty and self-discipline, adhere to the conduct of their own.
晋代人吴隐之任广州太守,在广州城外,见一池泉水名“贪泉” 。当地传说饮了贪泉之水,便会贪婪成性。他信这些,照饮不误,饮后还写了一首诗:“古人云此水,一歃怀千金。试使夷齐饮,终当不易心。”他在任期间,果然廉洁自律,坚持了自己的操守。
Such a poor
Minister with the Southern Song Zhang Qin Hui not political, was down to local officials in Hunan Lingling do. His departure, with a few boxes accompanying book, he was falsely accused related to the results was letters and old Gaozong check clothing, Gaozong sigh: \"The unexpected Zhang Shou-depleted to the point!\" He is very poor, riding fast horses was sent to catch up with Zhang, reward him 320 gold.

Private money is not a
Ming Dynasty, the Jiaxing automorphic clean, popular. On one occasion, a eunuch through here, to ask for bribes, he opened said: \"The money here, as you but you give me to receive the Treasury coupon payments Indian officials.\" Eunuch like that especially gone, returned to Beijing after the vilification he prescribed before Yingzong. Yingzong asked: \"Does it mean that you said is not a money Prefecture private it?\" Hearing eunuch no longer dare not say that the down.
明朝时,嘉兴知府杨继宗清廉自守,深得民心。一次,一名太监经过这里, 向他索要贿赂,他打开府库,说:“钱都在这儿,随你来拿,不过你要给我领取库金的官府印券。”太监怏怏走了,回京后,在明英宗面前中伤他。英宗问道:“你说的莫非是不私一钱的太守杨继宗吗?”太监听后,再也不敢说杨继宗的坏话了。
Better money in hand
Wang Qing Qianlong Jinshi outspoken outspoken man, are not powerful. At that time, North Korea and secondary right-kun, Minister of the crime he did not obtain. However, their often argue Wang. On one occasion, the end of representative government, and interested in fun-Kun Wang, pulling his hand said: \"The good hand ah!\" Wang put on a stern countenance replied: \"Wang hand, though good, but not for money ear! \"and left-kun shame.

