
Grandma told me that I was born in the spring of that year bought these trees rubber trees. Was only 60-80 cm tall seedlings. Granny cut each spring sticks topping. Summer, give it to eat bubble fish bones, meat and bones of the nutrition, water. now become a 2 m long high and 1 m in diameter fullness of the tree.
It is dark brown trunk tenacity advantage thick trunk with my wrist. Pentu above, there are many roots coiled around the trunk. In the palm of your hand as big as the middle of the green leaves have a yellow-green of the ribs, symmetrically distributed on both sides of many small threads It leaves the supply of nutrients and water. thick leaves a beautiful sheen to issue a clusters of leaves at the top of a red cone in the middle there is a white line, thin look is a Xiaofeng. grandmother say that this is it The leaves, a few days it will expand into a leaflet. stood before it, when the wind blows over, gently shake the leaves, issued the sweet sound of sand, so I feel a strong stocky. rubber tree stand the cold, late autumn Dad will help her grandmother when it moved to the central hall of the iceberg. after school went into a home, see its beautiful grace, my heart ah! immediately lifted the side of the homework will be preoccupied.
Every spring, grandparents are in the middle of its trunk and leaves, put up traffic lights and small balloons, small pockets of color there are a variety of small gift bags to give me and my sister to bring holiday happiness.
My family and I have a rubber tree to grow, give me joy, give me strength. It is a member of our family, it has become my good partner!

奶奶告诉我,在我出身的那年春天,买了这株橡皮树.当时的幼苗身高只有60-80公分.奶奶每年春天都剪支,摘心.夏天,给它吃泡鱼骨,肉骨头的营养水.现在就长成了2 米高,1米直径的丰满树体.

它深褐色的树干坚韧有利,主干有我手腕粗.盆土上面 有很多根盘绕在主干周围.在手掌般大的绿油油的叶子中间,有一条黄绿色的筋,两边对称分布着很多细脉络,它供给叶子养分和水.厚厚的叶子发出美丽的光泽在一簇簇叶子的顶部有一个红锥体,中间还有一条白色线条,细细的看是一条小缝.奶奶说这是它的嫩叶,过几天它就会展开,变成一片小叶.站在它面前,当风吹过来,叶子轻轻摇动,发出沙的悦耳声,让我感到敦实有力.橡皮树怕冷,晚秋时爸爸会帮奶奶把它搬到中厅的一角.放学一走进家,看到它美丽的风姿,我的心啊!立刻就振奋起来,边会全神贯注的写作业.



