
My family had a long life flower pots, and its flowers the size of a fingernail, but it is big red. 4 petals and dotted in the middle of the yellow flower to form a flower, and these flowers were all fifty or sixty duo came together at the same time opening up, forming a palm-sized bunches of flowers. Its leaves and stems are green, shiny leaves and thick, as well as tooth edges. Whole potted exquisite, like a beautiful girl, as if said to me: I am pretty bar, but can not touch me yo!
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana very fond of the sun, as long as there is sufficient sunlight and twice a week, pouring water, which can be grown very well. Its most important feature is: long flowering period. Usually start in December each year until the following year in April. It is followed by a strong vitality. Lightly pinch the next one sticks it to soak in the water can quickly grow roots. Therefore, it is because of good support, and long flowering period is named - jonquil.



