
Autumn is not without its flowers, when the summer heat are degenerating and sun still high, the south wing of an office outside the windowsill in full bloom in Jiduo on a small white star-like jasmine. But no matter how you re-dedication star flowers, autumn\'s arrival could not stop the trend. Platanus dense canopy has been cross-out into a maximum, branch tips are still hanging touch of yellow, withered leaves had been as dry as butterflies in the build-up in the foliage. A friend told me that neither cold nor hot dry season most people love, I nodded acquiescence.
The northern drier summer and fall to the temperature dropped back down to rely on rain. Choice often come in the night, only a small array, the withdrawal of the morning, leaving only a few pieces broken leaves, and a half tank of cold water, as well as sky-line clouds. A few days ago to Xili town record-breaking five days of cotton silk, Austin Song Shu-tung be washed out really bare skin, ink stained dark like a gray sky. Stays alone, walk slowly on a parachute Jie Qu, line patterns depending on the foot of the silk gauze thin stream, heart like water can not be calm. Wide roads covered with a ground puddle, as if Diesui of Anthurium mirror, scattered in a debris; and if the firmament of the blame countless Chang Wang Mou, desolately natural laden tears. Opened a car before, two water mist Yang in the past has been, until the far end of the high-Yang.
Fine after the summer, Xiong Xiong Sunburn basking in the sun as the earth, boundless silence from heaven with a white-yao, no wind at noon, the whole world of loneliness have become solidified. At noon on duty, a person walking in the shade of a tree, or to distortion in the office nap, and I feel suddenly like the clamor of chaos such as the outside. Then, the whole floor has a sleeping man is hard to sleep, and thought about some things that mess, stand up and look at the shining white of the window, where there is a frightening world. Readily take a book opened one, but did not see the mood, eyes shut again idly, and is really strange, sleepy, when I can not sleep, and so took a book and instead fall asleep by.
Got home from work, a wide-lane once again erected in front of us, and most of a day trip to go in this alley. Lane side of the long Akigusa still time to yellow, the leaves are no longer oil tender. There are a few vine grass grow is mad cows and purple flowers of a long horn with a round mouth over and over, as if on the days declared something. There is a daring of the stem out into roads that have been vehicles to make a nest of dry grinding of Hong Hen, printed a picture of natural land.
Edge of the town fields of corn received, and then plugging the green wall, suddenly disappeared, suddenly a very broad front. See this, and my heart went so far as to give birth to a kind of inexplicable feelings of regret. The sky outside is not as well-written book, so lofty, so blue, cloud did not constitute a shape, and the floor dust sediment together. This is an autumn, the farmers collected seeds, the earth collected easily.
Suddenly realize that summer has just still around and I broke up. Changing of the seasons, highlighted the passage of time. Personnel, too, was parting parting, there is no resting. The passing away, after all, to be passing away yesterday, is already ancient history of yellow, tomorrow will turn a new page. Life After the turn of not a few cool heat, why not calmly deal with this? In this autumn, the separation is also a beautiful memorial ah.



