
There was once a village, where the children live in different figures, and Mr. addition and subtraction. Many children like to find the number there to add their own Mr. Canada, Mr. Therefore, the increase is very happy, very happy, and the increase number of children liked Mr., Mr., if the increase seen a number of the children to quickly add them to run in the past. Many children do not like to cut the number go there by himself so Mr. President by a very lonely, so Mr. hated figure by the children, if the number of children seen by Mr. 1 has skyrocketed to reduce them. An increase is to add their own half, a cut is a cut their own half.
Time, 12 children met on the way home by being angry, Mr. President by one to see 12 children on the happy and said: "Haha, finally someone venting of." Stroke, 12 children became six, Since then, the six children on the sad. The six children in school once met a 9, the nine children is very mischievous, if it made a mistake, it will turn around and become a six teachers did not recognize them. It can become a 6 or 9 years has done nothing wrong, and sometimes let the 6 to bear his own mistakes, a number of them and play hide and seek, they are both down to Daoqu, so that other digital not tell them who is 6, who is 9.
In the fall, the school held a sports figure 6 and 9 participated, 9 of which run the fastest, 9 is approaching the midpoint of sight, when suddenly a nine wrestling left behind six came pull up a 9 step by step toward end of At this moment, left behind in the ranks of athletes to recover more than them, nine students asked why do not they Xianpao six children, six children, said: "Do not just themselves, while leaving the companion regardless."
Since then, six children and nine children became inseparable friends.


 一次,12小朋友在回家的路上 遇到了正在生气的减先生,减先生一看到12小朋友就高兴了,说:“哈哈,终于有人出气了。”一下子,12小朋友就变成了6,从此,这个6小朋友就伤心。一次这个6小朋友在学校遇到了一个9,这个9小朋友很调皮,如果它犯了错,它就倒过来变成6让老师认不出来。它可以变成6或9来不认错,有时让这个6来承担自己所犯下的错误,一次它们和数字玩捉迷藏,它们俩倒来倒去,让其它数字分不清它们谁是6,谁是9。



