
The clock tick to ring, I know that time in my life flows. \"Time passes by a sub-second, achievements we are increasingly sophisticated and increasingly intelligent wisdom of the body. Life together every segment of our growth course. Taste we have the dead and are passing away, is the grade our lives. then one by one in our midst, the story is the story of our lives growing up, our life is full of improvement in the sun.

Growing like a sky full of stars in the story, in which the same or like the Yellow River water flowed into the distance, but one thing is deeply imprinted on my mind.

Open the door of memory, I recall that incident six years old when my grandfather bought me a bicycle, because the bike has a wheel around, it will not fall. Often a child to ride, and later less love of riding and has been placed in the garage, has accumulated a thick layer of ash from. One day I came home and I almost saw a tall boy with high proficiency in riding a bike in the district where speeding is really imposing ah! I went home to his mother after quarrel with the two small wheels on the bike torn down. My mother said to me: \"the little wheels dismantled fell and hurt you.\" I said: \"I do not painlessly.\" Finally, my mother fail to beat me, and had to removed the two small wheels.
The next day happened Sunday, the weather was particularly fine, and her mother to rest at home. She put a thing in the morning I called up, I wonder what my mother asked, her mother said: \"Today teach you ride a bike.\" I went into raptures, hastily replaced pajamas. The bike from the garage and launch it from the start my mother escorted me to ride a bike can be a song her mother hand, I fell and overturned legs. Finally I insisted on not live, and shouted: \"I do not practiced.\" Rush around to prepare to go home. Then my mother said I aloud: \"coward, are not stand this pain, we must not afraid of hard work can not give up halfway.\" Then she gently said: \"I am sure you will succeed!\" Mom\'s words to encourage the I, I endured the pain again to ride up, and fell again and again. Finally, my mother let go of the hand, but I still ride a bicycle, there is no fall. \"I did it.\" I cried.

This is just I grew up in a small episode. But through this incident made me understand that in no matter what kind of difficulties, must have perseverance and confidence.

Childhood of course good, at this time also tell exciting. As a result, we are a growing sentiment to think about the growth, the growth of no regrets. We are growing and to have all hidden in the bottom of my heart, the only way to stay in mind the sea Ripples in the layers of clear ... ...

  打开记忆的大门,回想起那件事我六岁的时候,爷爷给我买了一辆自行车,由于这辆自行车左右都有轮子,所以不会倒下。小时候经常骑,后来不怎么爱骑了,一直放在车库里,已经积起了一层厚厚的灰。 有一天我回家看见一个个子和我差不多高的男孩熟练地骑着自行车在小区里飞驰,真威风啊!我回家后就吵闹着要妈妈把自行车上的两个小轮子拆了。妈妈对我说:“把小轮子拆了你会摔得很疼的。”我说:“我不怕疼。”最后,妈妈拗不过我,只好把两个小轮子拆了。   
  第二天正好是星期天,天气特别晴朗,妈妈也在家休息。她一大清早就把我叫起来,我疑惑地问妈妈什么事情,妈妈说:“今天教你骑自行车。”我欣喜若狂,急忙换下睡衣。把自行车从车库里推出来,一开始妈妈扶着我骑自行车,可妈妈手一松,我就摔得四脚朝天。终于我坚持不住了,大喊一声:“我不练了。”就气冲冲地准备回家。这时妈妈大声地说我:“胆小鬼,这点痛都受不了,做事一定要不怕苦,不可以半途而废。”然后她又温和地说:“我相信你一定会成功的!” 妈妈的话鼓励着我,我忍着痛又骑了起来,摔了一次又一次。终于,妈妈松开了手,但我还是骑在自行车上,没有倒下。“我成功了。”我大叫道。   


