
Ancient Huizhou opera activities earlier, has shown a momentum of the mid-Ming. Xi, and the Hyobu Kun Wang is a distinguished playwright. Renwu body level, although he is also writing and poetry, especially adept at drama, with a "dream GAOTANG", "Five Lakes Tour", "Waterinfo sad" and historical drama, staged in the vicinity of the prevalence of Huizhou. Access to the Qing Dynasty, Huizhou opera activities are in full swing, with its main huizhou the "Office in order to study, unless a business", "out of business and" All commercial capital and a giant in the idea of family, and in Huishang economic development, and promoted the development of opera culture, entertaining way.
Show the formation of the emblem is the emblem combining cavity with cavity Cheongyang on the basis of the same Luan, blowing cavity exchange integration, and is subject to certain impact, only the emblem and the emblem of classes to help. At that time, or well-known Youqing, Cai Qing, Tongqing, Yangchun four social classes. 55 years of Qing Emperor Qianlong (1790 AD) have been to Beijing four emblem ban performances Jingshi sensation. Later in the Jiaqing, from Hubei Province with the Chinese artists emphasize cooperation, mutual influence, accepted the opera, part of Shaanxi Opera repertoire, melody and performance methods, absorbing a number of civil melody, gradually, a very complete style and performance art system evolved into opera.



