
Summer vacation, the most rewarding thing is to learn playing table tennis, and I asked Liu Yukun playing table tennis coach taught me the beginning of my very poor skills, but since I concentrate on practice, the game will be a marked improvement, but also to allow I understand that a hard, a harvest of reason.
I remember when just practicing, I do not have patience, we should rest 10 minutes every time, the coach told me the ball more training, so I had done on the next practice, but a few days just to practice that the blisters on his head, I pain. I have always said: "I do not practice, and not practiced!" At this moment, the coach came to tell me a price to pay for doing both. He let me look at In the beginning, I was shocked, coaches have all been deformed hands, he looked at me, then his racket, racket, he has been in the top of the ring finger pressing a deep "The Hole."
Read the coach's hand and the racket, so I understand, as long as the work of a deep ground into embroidery needle Since then, I will strive to learn the ball, it does not, a lot of skills and progress, and this is the best summer vacation I harvest of one thing.




