
Yesterday, after dinner, my Aunt and neighbors chatting in the doorway. the left leg as if there is a needle a bit. I know that this is mosquitoes themselves Tuesday. Has been the beginning of autumn, and they fight a death struggle. I hastened to hand pictures, well, the right leg and then stabbed. So, ladies and I hastened to leave the door neighbors, came to the house at this time, the two calf great feeling. Within a short while to see the two processes on a large package. Aunt neighbors rushed to find their own scorpion wine collection for many years to help me clean. Intolerable was able to escape the situation. I have thought at this time only to curse my mosquito bite: "You only settle mosquitoes, do you smoke my blood, but also a few days, you finished soon ... ..."

After the curse, I sentiment, your life you do not like mosquitoes? This mosquito will probably die soon, but in its last moment of his life, it will do its best to bayonet practice. I do not praise it. I think that their time if the evening you will have the courage? Of life for everyone is equal, only to seize the opportunity of a decent life, good beautiful. Mosquitoes in their lives when the days are numbered, the courage to strive for the best, are not worthy of our praise it?

Like the mosquito's life will be short-lived, but, as long as our efforts, and paid, we will have a full life.

Let us go through their own down-to-earth life, such as dust, fallen leaves return to the earth the same. If the mosquitoes away, like with the seasons, nor regret.

We have come a brilliant youth, are hovering in the life and death, the more clearly the human world for all, take mosquitoes kind of life, struggling in the evening for the best moment is it not


  诅咒过后,我顿生感悟,自己的人生难道不像蚊子吗?这只蚊子或许过不了多久就会死去,可是,在它生命的最后一刻,它会尽自己全力去拼刺。我不是赞美它。我在想,自己如果到了黄昏时刻还会有这份勇气吗? 生活对于每个人都是平等的,只有把握时机才能写意好美丽的人生。蚊子在自己生命气数已尽时,敢于奋力一搏,难道不值得一赞吗?




