
I was a bird, sparse feathers, thin body, looked fragile. Mom to make me become more healthy every day daybreak, they wander around with my fly.
We Fly fly, and flew to the forest. Yeah, here is a good fresh air, the trees really flourish here. A bright and colorful clumps of flowers, a lively and lovely birds they are just a wonderful happy, good mischievously.
We Fly fly, and flew to a small river. Oh, here, the river really clear, many hearts tiny grains of sand can be seen clearly.
We Fly fly, and flew to the sea, the sea is so blue, from afar, and the azure blue of the sky have been connected together. Spray the gull feathers washed perfectly clean, fish and shrimp swim freely in seawater.
Ah, nature is so beautiful, I would grow up to live in that dense forest, then clear water to drink every day, the Japanese daily blue waters of a bath ... ...
A few years later, I grew up, I miss the beautiful scenery of childhood. I Fly Fly, yeah, I got dizzy Mody? Here is what I want to live in place? Montreal's stumps, my companions were all where to go? Hey, how's going on?
A muddy river and there is no clear past.
I clench the teeth, and flew to the sea. This is that blue blue sea? 1 gulls trailing only the heavy wings, wings dip a lot of unsightly stains, which in the end how the story? My tears stopped at a tree stumps. Suddenly, a gunshot, I would in a pool of blood. My soul floating up, up on the day. Human ah, we were both born in an earth, I will pray in heaven for the green, but also for your prayers







