
Dante said: "The world has a beautiful voice, and that is the mother's call."
Out, the maternal love is a Suanse of medicine, to resolve the sufferings of the homesick, dissipated in the body is your weak. One person at home, maternal love is a bitter cup of moist Ming, dissolved the remote network back to a melancholy , floating on the nose is a home fragrance.
Whenever learning difficulties, setbacks in life, when Mom always solve problems for us.
Motherly love is like a giant invisible hand, support us. Regardless of ups and downs she is our most powerful backing. We do not feel lonely. Because we are not alone. In this war there is no knowledge of smoke, our mother has been quietly Shouhou us and accompany us, and we work together with.
I deeply respect and love her mother, although not so spectacular, but they can often small stream of water is also regarded as a landscape. Although a very ordinary, but in my opinion, every love are treasures, it is worth we will always treasure.
A corner of the green trees, green green, although this is one, but it can dress up the earth.
Flower garden came a ray of flowers, sk.com Although it is a ray, but it can disseminate mission to our intoxicating aroma.
The future really, really long, I wonder if mother will walk hand in hand the number of spring and autumn. Share in celebrating spring, summer taste, chewing autumn, to listen to the depth of winter. Picked up the life to our readers. The memories of each one led to the growth of most alcohol wine, with the baptism of the years more and more concentrated, more fragrant ......
I have read and understand maternal love at the moment .....

母爱就像一只无形的巨手,支撑着我们。不论风风雨雨她都是我们最坚强的后盾。我们不会感到寂寞。因为我们 并不是孤军奋战。在这场没有硝烟的知识之战中,我们的妈妈一直默默守侯着我们,陪伴着我们,和我们一起努力着。

