
Out the law: The most anxious to get out and the wife, the last out is also his wife.
Nag's Law: the more the more the spirit of many nagging wife, the more words the less the more nagging the husband.
Home's Law: the husband one out would be reluctant to return home, his wife do not want to go out on a home.
Quarrel Law: The more couples have no quarrel with the more heated debate about the causes of the most vicious way.
Ridiculed Law: know how to love, couples, will be evolved into a humorous ridicule; do not understand love, couples, ridiculed will evolve into a war.
Crisis's Law: When the family economic crisis, the husband always hoped that the idea of a wife to help themselves, but the idea is whether the wife for a husband.
Temper Law: between husband and wife decided to temper the size of how much money, not people who make money Meipi Qi.
Equality Law: husband and wife both think of themselves as parents, can be another important thing individuals do not.
To persuade the Law: the event of conflict between husband and wife, came forward to persuade more people, more unresolved conflicts.

  讥笑定律:懂得爱情的夫妻,讥笑会演化成一种幽默;不懂爱情的夫妻,讥笑会演化成 战争。

Stir-fry's Law: the affirmation of the regular cooking wife, cooking good food is definitely her husband.
To buy food law: 1 to vegetable market do not know what to buy good food more than the wife, see Han Choi Han Choi mostly to buy husbands.
Mature Law: The more we are in love with his wife, the husband of the more mature, more coddled by her husband with the wife of the more immature.
What Law: Who between husband and wife, then more and who, if not more weight.
Harm to law: between husband and wife, one against the other to pay more suffer injury when breaking up the greater.
Complained Law: often complain that the wife is always, often the husband is always complaining.
Ganhuo Law: in her husband's eyes, nothing is always live at home; in the eyes of his wife, the family always has much to do.
Dress Law: a man is only fitting clothing and a lack of fashionable clothing, a woman is only a lack of fashionable clothing and apparel fit.

