
In order to have a home and get married, they are often complain that no one looked forward to his return, and no one welcomed him, and so on. This clearly shows that he talked about the family, did not himself included. Thank God, I do not have to go out, whether or not remember that I have a home. When I am alone in my workplace, where, when, this feeling is often controlled me. When the studio glass in front of the curtain was opened, I saw the glass door of a happy face, curtain has fallen, and came gently knock on the door, then reached into a head, and then she stops to my side, but then disappeared, and this feeling has always been in control of me, like a pitch-black darkness, like, I will point the lights, quietly slipped into the room to see if he has been asleep.
Of course, that sense is often a matter of fact when I control my home. I feel there is a home. If you then looked very serious, like laughter of children will become what? She will not moody music, will feel depressed, but in her there is such a force, it is not difficult to deal with, but it is flexible, like a sharp sword can cut stone, but they can be wrapped around the waist .
I can only tell you that such a sentence is appropriate for you if you often say, that you are a "stranger and the wanderer." I do not know the depth of things, nor can not hunches language young people, it is easy to allow himself to be swept by such a whirlwind; they may be subject to the impact of your remarks, as affected by the fresh breeze, as the wind lure them toward the You mean to them the boundless ocean; you feel would be beyond the control of this intoxicated, it is like the sea, like a hidden underwater everything. You have this piece of waters has long been an experienced navigator, you will not know this sea disaster and misfortune do?
In fact, in this world, a person can only rely on their own.





