
For me, life is bittersweet, five-flavored and taste, sometimes it is for their own efforts, and sometimes you pay for others. As a teacher, but also an ordinary person. I am grateful to my father, my mother gave me unconditional love and support, you taught me how to laugh, how to deal with people! Thank my brothers and sisters, friends and family, let me learn a lot of excellent qualities! Thanks to my lovely students, and they let a lot of things I learned a lot, so I appreciate their love for me, I will get in front of them moved to tears! Thanks ... ...! So my heart is full of infinite love, feel I have a heavy responsibility, I think that as long as the heart, love beautiful!
I am very happy for their work. My wish: I hope that every parent has a successful child, every parent hopes to become a happy parents. Well, I am a happy teacher is a! From table manners to the cultivation of a positive attitude, from the study, all aspects of life to be grateful to him and so on ... ... should the church children. In fact, every child has unique talents and plasticity, as long as we let the kids exposure to the educational atmosphere full of freshness, as long as they feel that they really were necessary, be loved, and just let them grow HAPPY, then, even the headaches, the students will grow to decent manners, conduct and noble good kid.

Whenever the expectation that among the kind of unexpected joy, that feeling of warm spring breezes, the kind of minute detail, see the spirit of enlightenment, that kind of education, reflection and aggressive determination arose spontaneously. We should provide for the children what kind of social environment, family environment and school environment? When we are concerned about the building of social credit system, and when we push forward the building of a harmonious society, the people\'s quality has undoubtedly become inescapable, could not escape the topic! Determine the details of the twenty-first century is the actual success or failure to reflect on our education, found that we often pay attention to the details of the overall expense. Like countless smallest natural number a result of the sum is infinite, as is the sum of countless details of the whole, attention to detail will lead to an overall loss. From start to improve people\'s quality of detail, it is Mr. Clark gave us valuable inspiration. Three feet from the rostrum of the success or failure of the relationship between the strength of the rise and fall of the country, makes me feel that he is not an ordinary teacher mediocre, his responsibility too much too heavy a heavy shoulder the burden of ... ah ...!
My heart, love beautiful! !


我很幸福,为自己所做的工作。我的愿望:希望每个家长拥有一个成功的孩子,希望每一个家长成为一个幸福的家长。那么,我也就是一个幸福的老师了!从餐桌礼仪到积极心态的培养,从学习、生活到学会感恩等方方面面……都应该教会孩子们。 其实每个孩子都有其独特的天赋和可塑性,只要我们让孩子们置身于充满新鲜感的教育氛围中,只要让他们感觉到自己确实是被人需要、被人爱着的,只要让他们成长并快乐着,那么,即使是令人头疼的问题学生也会成长为举止得体、品行高尚的好孩子。



