
Village spring, beautiful, attractive, vibrant, scenery is of course a different.
Village of Spring is so beautiful: every shot out of the sun was shining everywhere to show off a five-color Yen, around the beautiful birds flying insects, flying around with an intoxicating flavor. This is the green world of flowers.
Spring, a small protected countryside ride, out of a new green, bearing a small bud bud, that green beautiful, lovely, attractive, really you do not have a taste!
Village of Spring, bamboo in the dynamic, and that dozens of Bamboo sticks are often naughty and a sieve and a under the浓阴, where people can rest, drink tea, play chess, not mention more than a happy! Several spring after the walk to go there often to see many fresh Chunsun, head out in droves to, how lovely you!
Village of Spring, the flowers are open race. Paeoniflorin, Impatiens, Celosia, Dahlia, they found a crystal the dew, delicate fragrance waves blow against our faces, it exhilarating, spiritual multiplication. Yes, there are the beautiful peony time of temper, so she became among the flowers, "the United States and Queen", after another very elegant and yet simple. Village of Spring, the river started to freeze for a long time to wake up the; sky Butterfly Pina talented fields breeds hope for farmers; in this beautiful day, all things are new, as if painting a beautiful painting.
Yes, the village spring, that is, a life-like paintings, will always be printed on our hearts!

  乡村的春,花儿都竞相开放。芍药,凤仙,鸡冠花,大丽菊,她们身上缀满了晶莹的露珠,一阵阵幽香扑面而来,让人神清气爽,精神倍增。对了,还有那美丽的牡丹,时光的锤炼,让她成为了花儿之中的“美皇后”,朵朵都很高雅,又不失朴素。  乡村的春,冻结许久的河流开始苏醒了;天空中翩舞着才华的蝴蝶;田野里孕育着农人的希望;在这明媚的日子里,万物都焕然一新,仿佛一幅幅美丽的画。    

