
In a pink version of the diary, recording the best of my childhood collection of statements, the statement that there are rich and varied, is the golden footsteps of my childhood. I carefully opened the diary, the first thing is an eye on the time and money: one inch by one inch gold time, gold-inch inch time. This sentence in my heart I can not help but recalling his own childhood fun, not serious study, a waste of time, I really regret it a bit. This again reminds me of the teachers taught us the words: waste other people's time, equal to murder for gain; wasting their time, equivalent to shortening the life. Time is like life, the moment you !

"Fellow villagers see two tears." I, and "neighbors are dearer than distant relatives, neighbors door not arrived." These two words make me feel deep. Because, when I first arrived in Zhanjiang, no, a friend of mine, only the eldest sister, a neighbor every day eager to help us. What's the trouble, the sisters are very helpful and enthusiastic to help us, with us to overcome difficulties, and never said a single complaint, really good race neighbors Campbell you!

When I first came to this city, we do not understand a local dialect, to buy things, the black heart of the traders who took the opportunity to raise the price on, with my diary, then is this: face-to-face is an individual, turns a ghost!

I love reading, the hands are always holding books, good writing, so I have some preening, smug, of course, also confirmed that the "open-minded progressive people, proud people behind," saying this.

In class, my source is not very good, because I , was running out of patience, which are so often angry. But I know: people Qi, Taishan shift; all of one mind, a stone into gold. Because I was the main class, so I worked very hard to improve themselves.

pines and cypresses, With these words, I also carefully in the vast crowd to join me in looking for can share bliss and misfortune with a friend when.

This is my childhood, my golden-Indian footprints engraved deeply branded in my mind.

在一本粉红色的日记本中,记载着我童年收集的精彩语句,这里面的语句丰富多彩,是我童年的金色足迹。   我小心翼翼地翻开日记本,首先映入眼帘的是一句关于时间与金钱的:一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。这句话让我不禁心头一颤,回想起自己小时候贪玩,不认真学习,浪费时间,真有点儿后悔。这又让我想起老师教给我们的话:浪费别人的时间,等于谋财害命;浪费自己的时间,等于缩短生命。真是时间像生命,一刻值千金呀!  







