
Live in a loving family, I feel that parents love, love is a kind of happiness. The ancients said: parents not traveling. Almost two years studying in different places, and sometimes homesick, I would like parents. Wang Rongqing a favorite song, \"parents\", and sometimes the audio and video shops in the street to hear this song will have a sense of want to cry. Because parents in poor health, so often concerned about, think of family life and cutting, and is still fresh in my mind: I thank the father! You in order to support the family, hard work, but you also concerned about me day and night. Played every week phone calls to me, asked me to concentrate on their studies, do not play too much; called my attention to the body, do not write too late homework; called when I go to bed, do not catch cold the ... ... Dad, you silent operation, show a deep love; thank the mothers! Diligently every day to look after the house, the phone I am concerned about the great care, my mother, I wish to tell you that you have worked hard! Dad, Mom, thank you for many years to my love! I will study hard, you do not live up to expectations. Thank you for raising me to grow as the first teachers in my life, taught me how to live, how to Thanksgiving.
Have read a book, the contents of the book has not remember, but one sentence in particular impressed me deeply: we live in this world, we must always remember this words: Thanksgiving, Contentment, Xifu! Yes, that simple words, enough to cover the full meaning of life. In life, we must learn to Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving gives us the sun shining bright, Xiaocaohu Thanksgiving gives us the fresh air, Thanksgiving God for giving us a better life, ... ... However, I think that in our lives, the most worthy of gratitude than the love of parents.
We are of course parents can not afford, but this does not mean that we parents can not Thanksgiving. I am the door as far as possible in life to do things their parents to Thanksgiving. Help with household chores in order to reduce the burden on parents, and parents to share their exchange of views, or outside the home when the phone greetings, do not go to school the left, turned to the parents in mind wave, then is a tribute to the parents; parents are often concerned about the you want to chat with them, talk to their learning, life experience, so that they will not feel lonely, it is gratifying to the parents; parents fall ill, your side of a cup for them water, say a word, it is the largest of parents Thanksgiving ... ... is that these, in our view and very easy to do things their parents do the best for returns.
There is a science fiction film \"Happy Planet\" I would like to offer and those who do not care about the child\'s parents, in our lives reflect the great many children are loved, I hope the time can be parents to accompany children to see, and an exchange of ideas, We should sympathize with parents, and parents often talk about the heart, eliminating the \"generation gap\" Most parents want their children Jackie Chan into a phoenix, there must be something to their children as such to certain requirements, and even a bit harsh. We should affirm the parents care and thought, not the parents went or even to contradict their parents. Dear parents, so parents feel their children are very important to the hearts of the status of the children parents need care, especially in life for their children should not only look at themselves, their lives should also be concerned about caring parents, to ease their burden. Classmates, friends, teachers come to the home should be introduced to the parents, I am in these areas to make good on is always a subject of recognition.
Let us start from the trivial side, with a love of words, an intimate action, or any progress in a small to express our love and filial parents it! Please be assured that the beginning of Thanksgiving from the heart, the warmth of human love.


  曾看过一本书,书的内容已经不记得了,但其中的一句话给我印象特别深:我们生活在这个世界上,要永远记住这六个字:感恩、知足、惜福!是的,这简简单单的六个字,足以涵盖了生活的全部含义。在生活中,我们要学会感恩:感恩阳光给予我们灿烂的光辉,感恩小草赋予我们清新的空气,感恩上苍赐予我们美好的生活,…… 然而,我觉得在我们的生命中,最值得感激的莫过于父母之爱。  

