
Everyone has their own ideals, the dreams of childhood, even the ideal of the juvenile to see the beautiful deep feeling ---will also touch, want to be a life-saving doctor. I wanted to be a childhood dream is a kindergarten teacher, because everyone has childhood, I would like the best time in the children in the best sow seeds, to teach him: to love the motherland, and to due diligence, to be a man of integrity.
I was on my way, such as high-grade, learning from Lei Feng uncle doing good for the people, the appreciation of the people. I want to be a People's Liberation Army to serve the people.
Now I know in this modern society do not have the knowledge does not work, the teacher said there are three turning points in life: elementary school or junior high school, junior high, the high school or university, I am now greeted with the first in my life, a turning point. I would also like to continue to rise to my life, a turning point in each, I was admitted to universities to study hard, to!

每个人都有自己的理想,儿时的梦想少年的理想即便看到美丽的---白衣天使也会触感深情,想当一名救死扶伤的大夫. 我儿时的梦想是想当一名幼儿园教师,因为每一个人都有童年,我要在孩子最美好的时光里播下最美好的种子,教导他:要爱祖国,要勤勉,要做一个正直的人.



