
Want to bear in mind the students into the school campus to listen to talk about the norms of civilized Shou
Xueqin seriously thinking about class innovation to get up early morning exercise run
to rest at noon to talk about feet hygiene ground clearance
Lost love spit threw flowers and want to quit when the environment does not get better food line
See Teacher polite to say hello to the guests Mandarin language school
Honesty and trustworthiness stresses mutual respect with students speaking many United tolerance
Anti-cult still indispensable School Division school culture civilization Qi joy
Security words song
Student who want to bear in mind my starting a campus security do not go after the
Floor, climb the railings do not jump do not set right down on the crowded line
Open the clearance experiments need to be cautious in listening to the guidance to do Do not eat food stalls
Attention should be paid to the after school about crossing the road to watch the slow bike ride
Do not take the risk to persuade classmates pity own love life safety is the first
Teacher 8
Division leniency: the Prevention of Cruelty to students
Miriam division side: Instrumentation correct civilized discourse
Wind division is: modest solidarity
Chi-division: the courage to dedicate themselves to education
Shi Xueqin: diligent study strive to enrich
Jing Shi industry: the business familiar with the guidance of well -
Shi Ji Yan: the law discipline
High morality: virtuous and honest style
同学们 要牢记 进校园 听校令 守规范 讲文明
上课时 认真学 勤思索 求创新 早起床 跑早操
中午时 要休息 晚睡时 要洗脚 讲卫生 勤清扫
丢吐扔 要戒掉 爱花草 环境好 吃饭时 不抢行
见老师 先问好 客人来 有礼貌 校园语 普通话
讲诚信 守信用 同学间 互尊重 讲团结 多宽容
反邪教 尚科学 校文化 不可缺 校文明 齐欢乐
同学们 要牢记 创安全 我做起 校园内 不追逐
楼栏杆 不爬跃 集合时 不拥挤 上下楼 靠右行
打开关 需谨慎 做实验 听指导 食品摊 别乱吃
放学了 要注意 过马路 左右看 自行车 要慢骑
劝同学 别冒险 惜生命 爱自己 讲安全 是第一
师心慈:爱护学生 诲人不倦
师仪端:仪表端正 言谈文明
师风正:谦虚谨慎 团结互助
师志坚:致力教育 勇于献身
师学勤:勤奋学习 力求上进
师业精:业务熟悉 指导有方
师纪严:纪律严明 遵纪守法
师德高:作风正派 道德高尚

